Chapter Eleven: The Proposition

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Black Out Days - Phantogram


I approached the bar yet again, and at one end I saw Liz talking to Tristan. Since I hadn't had a chance to sit and talk with Liz the last time I stopped by here, I figured I would pay her another visit. After all, I had a lot to spill, considering the events of the last few days. I smiled to myself, thinking of both my wondrous night alone with the Countess, and our escapade with James.

I chose a barstool towards the other end, not wanting to intrude upon Liz and Tristan's conversation, which was taking place in hushed voices. I sat there patiently, checking the notifications on my phone as I waited.

"Sorry about that." Liz walked over to me a couple minutes later, a sparkle in her eye. I watched as Tristan got up from his seat, giving Liz one last smile before heading down the hallway.

"It's no problem," I assured her, not minding the wait. Wordlessly she began making my drink, taking the bottles off the shelves and pouring them in a glass. "You seem happy," I said, noticing her smile.

"I am," she said, handing me the glass, filled with the familiar amber-colored liquid. She paused, her hand gripping one of the bottles. "Can I tell you something?" Liz asked, her voice falling almost to a whisper. "But you can't tell anyone, especially the Countess."

I nodded, a small twinge of guilt forming at the idea of hiding something from Elizabeth, but wanting to stay loyal to Liz as well. I could figure out what to disclose or keep secret after I knew what it was. Liz looked at me, beaming. "Me and Tristan... we've been seeing each other. We're in love."

"That's amazing," I said, smiling, watching as the grin fell from her face. "What's wrong?"

"The Countess only turned him a few weeks ago," she said, her eyes welling up. "He's one of her creations. She hates when any of them betray her. I'd be surprised if she doesn't kill us both when she finds out."

"I don't think she'll kill you," I said, putting a hand on Liz' arm to comfort her, though I could picture it all too clearly: the Countess' silver glove slicing across each of their throats in a singular motion. "I'm sure she can be reasoned with. She might even be happy for you."

"You're funny," Liz said, wiping at a falling tear on her cheek. "But sweet."

"Hey, no more crying," I said. "You're gonna mess up your makeup, and it looks really good today."

She laughed, fanning her eyes to try and stop the tears. "It's just not fair, you know? She doesn't love him. Not the way I do." In the midst of trying to comfort my friend, I felt a small wave of relief come over me at those words: she doesn't love him. If she didn't love him, there was more room in her heart for me.

"Every time I see him, it's like Christmas morning," she continued. "It's like all the broken parts of me feel whole again. I don't know what I'd do without him." As she spoke, I thought of the Countess, how I felt when I was with her. The more Liz described Tristan the more I was sure of the idea forming in my mind.

"I could try to talk to her," I suggested. "We could go together. I know I'm not one of her... creations, but I think she does like me. And I have an idea."

Liz was quiet for a moment as she thought to herself. "Would you really come with me to talk to her?" I nodded, my heart racing as I pictured what I would say to the Countess.

"Hold on, I'll be right back," Liz said, walking from behind the bar around to the front of it. "Maybe I can still catch Tristan." She hurried off down the hallway in the direction Tristan had gone. I sipped on my drink as I waited for her. My stories about the past few days could wait, this seemed important.

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