Chapter Thirteen: The Epilogue

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Feeling Good - Michael Bublé


"Hi, I'm Charlotte Hanover," I said, extending my hand to the man in front of me. In my other one, I held a drink from the bar, as did he.

"Nice to meet you," he said. "I'm Andrew." His grip on my hand was firm, confident. He was considerably older than me, but not unattractive. He smiled, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Well, Andrew, should we pick a table?" I said, motioning to the booths near the bar. He nodded, and the two of us walked over to the booths, sliding into the first one.

"I'll admit, I was a little nervous when you said you wanted to meet in person," Andrew said as we settled in, the dim lighting casting shadows on his face. "There are some dangerous people out there." He took a sip, placing his drink back down on the table.

"I completely agree," I said, my expression serious. "But you don't have to worry about me."

"You're very beautiful," he remarked. "Even better than your pictures."

"Thank you," I said, taking a sip. "You're very handsome as well."

"It's not that often that you find women on those sites, and even when you do it's rare to find one like you," he smiled. I returned the grin, thinking back to the horrible content of the websites he referred to.

"You're lucky to have found me, then."

"I sure am."

"So how'd you find your way into that kind of stuff?" Andrew asked, taking another sip.

"Oh, you know... just kind of happened upon it," I smiled. "But I want to know more about you. Isn't it great to finally meet like-minded people?"

"It sure is," he said. "I'd probably get fired if anyone found out about my... online activity, but I'm glad there are people like you who can appreciate what I do."

I noticed that he was swallowing the last sip of his drink. "Would you like another one?" I asked, motioning to his empty glass.

"That'd be great, thanks," he said, handing me the glass as I stood up.

"Of course." I winked at him before taking it, holding my own in my other hand, and walked off towards the bar.

Two people were sitting side by side on the red velvet-covered barstools: a dark-haired man in an old-fashioned suit, and a blonde woman in a formal dress.

"I'm done with these," I said to the bartender, placing the empty glasses on the counter.

"I'll get those out of your way." She smiled at me, her earrings glinting in the dim lighting, as she took the glasses and placed them behind the counter.

I sat on one of the barstools as if waiting for her to make me a drink, only a seat separating me and the blonde woman.

"His blood smells very good," Elizabeth said, staring straight ahead. "What's his story?"

"Hardcore racist," I answered, focusing my eyes on the shelves behind the bar. "He's hatecrimed several people. I found him on some Nazi website on the dark web."

"Deplorable," she said, her face souring.

"Just the kind of man that deserves to suffer," James said, his voice quiet but not inaudible.

"I have another one coming soon, so you guys decide," I said, watching as Liz tended to someone else at the other end of the bar.

"Well, you said his blood seemed good for your purposes, so you may have him," James said. "Ladies first."

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