I can't believe that my parents have made me invite Hunter. I can't believe Hunter even accepted. Now I know I have to deal with him the whole weekend. I just can't believe it. There is an up side to it. Hanah is coming along and she is going to be a big help.
I loved her the second she shut Hunter up. I mean she is a feisty little thing. She is completely adorable as well. I like seeing that side of Hunter. The part of him that is actually a big brother. He looked like he loved her a lot. I don't know how you can't love Hanah, though.
I was now waiting for both of them. I was sitting down in the couch browsing through my phone as I waited for my great neighbor to arrive. Note the sarcasm. My parents where both running around getting everything ready.
"Kennedy is Hunter coming?" My mother interrupted my phone browsing.
I sighed and looked at her. I smiled, "Yeah he said he will be here in a bit. By the way his little sister is coming too. That's alright, right?" Maybe I had forgotten to mention Hanah to my parents. I don't think they will mind though. At least I don't think they are going to mind.
My mother smile got wider, "Of course it alright just make sure their parents are alright with it too. Why is she coming, though?"
I smile at her, "Yes Hunter is taking care of that and he is suppose to baby sit her today, so that is why she is coming along." I explain and as soon as I was done there was a knock on the door.
"Can you go get that? That is probably Hunter," My mom told me as she began to walk back to the kitchen.
I groan because I had to get up and started my way to the door. I open it and I am faced with Mr. Royal Pain and adorable sister. Hanah had a bright smile on her face and Hunter was carrying two backpacks. A black one and a pink one that had Cinderella on it.
I let out a giggle, "Nice backpack Mr. Bad Boy." Hunter obviously didn't enjoy my comment because he gave me a glare. I couldn't help it but laugh. I think I have gotten used to the fact that he will glare at me for everything. Since he has his sister in his arms he is not going to do anything to me.
Suddenly my dad popped out behind Hunter. He put an arm on his shoulder and patted it. "So I have been informed that you an your sister are going to be joining us."
Hunter turned around to face him, "Yes Mr. Sparks. I hope that isn't a problem. I have called my parents and it said it was alright." He explain to him while Hanah was looking at me with curious eyes.
I smiled at her and bend down to her level, "Hi Hanah."
She gave me a big smile in return, "Hi. I don't know your name." She gave me a cute questioning look and I giggled at her reaction.
"My name is Kennedy." I extended my arm and she put her tiny one in mine. She gave me a quick shake and then looked at someone behind me. I stood up and looked behind me.
My mom was there and was smiling down at the small girl in front of me. He looked up at Hunter and smiled as well, "It's nice to see you again Hunter and so nice to meet your sister as well."
Hunter smiled at her, "Nice to see you as well and thank you for inviting me."
My dad again through an arm over Hunter shoulder, "Not a problem now lets get this show on the road." He said and started to walked towards the car. We all nodded and grabbed our things. We followed my dad to the car.
Half an hour later we had arrive to our destination. We were in the middle of no where for the whole weekend. The worst thing, though, was there was no cell service what so ever. That meant that I had no communication with the rest of the world for the weekend. My worst nightmare had officially come true. I had to interact with the people that were available to me right now. My parents, Hanah, and the worst of them all Hunter.
We all got out of the car and looked at our surroundings. We were in the woods and in front of us was a two floor cabin which had a big lake as a background. It was actually an amazing view. Like the ones you usually see in the movies.
"Okay everyone get your things an get in there," my dad said and pointed to the cabin. Everyone did what they were told except Hanah. She just hoped up to the house along my parents.
It turns out that Hanah was quiet a hit on the ride here. In just that half an hour my parents where already in love with her. Just like they were in love with Hunter. I guess charm just runs in the McCollum's house hold.
Hunter and I carried both our bags into the cabin and saw that both of my parents were in the living room with Hanah. My dad had a nervous expression on his face for some reason.
"Um, the cabin only has two rooms so you may need to share it. Hanah is going to be in that room as well," my dad explains. "I was wondering if you were alright with that. We trust that nothing is going to happen." With this I covered my face as if I couldn't believe what my dad had just said.
I looked at Hunter and he looked at me with a smirk he was trying to hide. He probably had something perverted to say but he was obviously not going to say it front of my parents.
He turned back to my parents, "Nothing will happen I assure you, sir. I am fine with it if Kennedy is fine with it, of course."
My parents turned to me as to hear my respond. I look at Hunter and then my parents, "Yeah I don't mind."
My mom nodded and gave me a wink. She has been doing that since she found Hunter and me kissing on Friday. Talking about that it reminds me of the kiss we shared. I still can't believe that happened and now I was kind of nervous for what could happened now that we were all alone in the room.
"I am going to go put my stuff in the room," I tell them so I could get away from my embarrassing parents.
I walk up the stairs and find my room. I go into it and I am faced with a terrible fact. There was two beds. One was a twin size and the other one was probably a queen size. The room was pretty big still and it had more than enough room for those bed. I walked towards the queen size because I wanted the bigger bed and Hunter wasn't going to get it. I need to be selfish every once in a while. I walked over to it a placed all my stuff on top of it.
I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my waist and lips next to my ears. "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" It was Hunter's voice and I couldn't help but smile at his compliment.
I turned around to face him, "Have I told you how big of a softie you are on you sister?" A smile he grew on his lips. It has been completely adorable to see how big of a softie Hunter is on Hanah. I have noticed that he never really is mean to her just slightly teases her which she gladly returns with sass.
"Well what can I say? Maybe I can't tame every girl and Hanah happens to be one of them," he simply says. He brings his lips up to my ear again, "And you just may have been the first to tame me."
What do you think of the chapter? This one wasn't really that interesting but you are going to love the rest of the trip. SPOILER! You are going to find out a lot about Kennedy and Hunter on this trip so make sure you keep reading.
Please comment and vote!
Please check out my other books: On the way there and Once Upon A Time.

The Bad Boy's Possession
JugendliteraturKennedy doesn't like drama. She tries to stay away from it at all costs. She likes things simple and she doesn't like attention. Moving has a lot of negative things, but moving a month after school starts has even more. Kennedy doesn't think that it...