I'm in complete awe. I don't really know what to tell Hunter other than it's incredible. The detail of it is incredible and just by looking at it makes me re-think everything I thought of Hunter. I don't know how I could never notice it before.
"Wow," I whisper still amazed by the thing on the notebook. It's beautiful in every way. Not because of the fact that it was me, but because his talent was beautiful. He had a great talent and I don't know why he has never shared it with any one.
I looked up at him and he has giving me an awkward grin. I smile at him, "This is incredible Hunter." I stare at the drawing again, "But why me?"
He leans back to against the tree and smiles at me, "You are my biggest inspiration." He sits back up as I look down at the piece of art in my hands. I look at every detail of it and even if it wasn't completely finish it was still amazing. Hunter is really talented. In my hands I was holding his piece of art. It was me. With my hair down and every single detail of me drawn to perfection.
I could feel his eyes on me and when I finally looked at him again a big smile is plastered in his lips. He grabs one of my hands in both of his and looks at me in the eyes, "I just realized right now that I have never called you beautiful." He takes one of his hands and puts a lose strand of hair behind my ear. He then rests his palm on my cheek. "You are so beautiful Kennedy."
I can feel my self start to blush and I look away from his gaze. I have been called beautiful before, but when he says it the feelings are much different. I feel special when he says it and I truly believe he means it. I look up at him and give him a small smile, "Thanks."
He smiles and then starts to lean towards me. Panic courses through me, but I don't move. I can't move at all. He brings his lips towards mine and he brushes them against mine. He doesn't bring them on to mine, though. "You don't know how much I want to kiss you," He whispers.
My breath hitches in my throat. Hunter wants to kiss me. I bite my bottom lip and stare at his lips. His lips full of temptation. The ones that I have kissed so many times but I never managed to get enough. The lips that make fire rush through me.
"Then do it," I whisper back. I can't believe I said that. Those words didn't even enter my mind they just came out.
Just like that his lips are crushing down on mine. My lips move in perfect synchronization with his. His arm has move to the back of my neck. I have let go of the notebook and now its laying on the ground. Hunter begins to push me back and soon I am laying on the grass with Hunter on top of me. Our kiss never breaking. The sparks flying crazy and I can't believe I am kissing Hunter again. Just like Hunter said that I was his drug I have just confirmed he is mine.
"Kennedy?" I hear a high female voice yell out. This has Hunter immediately pulling away from me. He sits up and I do the same.
I look at the source of the noise and find my mom standing near the door. I could feel myself blush of embarrassment. My mom had never found me in such a compromising position. "Yeah what do you need?" I asked.
My mom smiled at me and began to walk towards us. She turned to Hunter and smiled, "Hello, I'm Anne, Kennedy's mom," She told Hunter while extending her hand.
Hunter smiled at her and stood up. He shook my mother's hand and said, "Pleasure to meet you. I am Hunter. I am your neighbor actually." He obviously is trying to charm her. He was doing a good job so far by the look of it.
My mom gasped over dramatic and looked over to me, "You never told me you were so friendly with the neighbor Kennedy." She gave me a quick wink and looked back to Hunter. My cheeks heated up more and I placed my head into my hands in order to hide it.
I can hear Hunter laughing, "I think it's time for me to go home." I look up to him and he is moving around awkwardly. I stand up and I am about to say something but my mom beats me to it.
"Why don't you join us for dinner, Hunter?" She asks with a smile.
Hunter looks at me and then his famous smirk appears on his lips. He turns to my mom with a smile, though. "Sure it will be my pleasure," he answers to her.
My mom nods and turns around. She starts to walk away and me and Hunter are left alone again. Hunter turns to me and smirks again. "Do you think your mother will tell your dad about the kiss?"
I let out a groan, "I hope not." I shake my head and look at Hunter again.
We are standing there in complete silent for a few seconds. I am looking down at the grass not really looking at anything. I just kept replying the kiss over and over again. The feeling of his lips on mine still is there. I suddenly feel Hunter's hand covering mine.
I look up and find him looking down at me. He brings both of our hand up to his lips. He presses him hand against his lips and he closes his eyes. We stand in this position for a couple of seconds until he takes my hand away from his lips.
"I've missed you," He tells me in a soft voice.
A smile forms on my lips, "Me too." I can't keep lying to myself. He knows that I did miss him and I do care about him. Hunter may be the only way I could get through this horrible deal I made with Myles. I want to be happy with Hunter and Myles is not going to stop us.
This one is a short one, but at least I gave you a kiss between them. I think I may be getting better at updating. I didn't go to school today so I have been doing a lot of writing. Maybe in a day or two you will get the next update.
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The Bad Boy's Possession
Novela JuvenilKennedy doesn't like drama. She tries to stay away from it at all costs. She likes things simple and she doesn't like attention. Moving has a lot of negative things, but moving a month after school starts has even more. Kennedy doesn't think that it...