Hunter just surprises me more and more these days. Under all that mean and demanding person he shows off there actually a pretty laid back guy who actually has a heart. If I were to tell this someone at school, anyone, they will all think I have gone crazy. That I have spent way too much time with him and that I should start to get away from him before I start to want to pet a lion.
I stare up at his face, which has no expression on it, and smirk. I rarely smirk but this just seems like the perfect time to do so. "So Mr. Bad Boy, you mean to tell me that for once a girl from Avian High has managed to tame the beast."
He looked back down at me and a smile appear on his lips, "Maybe there has never been a beast to tame. People just chose to think there is and you were just the first to see me... as me."
This boy is just more and more confusing. He probably going to drive me crazy by the end of all of this. Whatever this is anyways. He just makes me think that everything he has ever done to me has had a purpose. Which I highly doubt.
He pushed me to the side and plops himself on the bed I have declared as mine. He wraps his hands around my waist and brings me closer to him. For the first time I happen to be taller than him, so instead of me looking up and him looking down, I am looking down and he is looking up.
I stare right into his eyes and once again I am lost in his blue orbs. I lean down and our lips are centimeters away from each other. I suddenly come to my sense and back away from him. I can't be doing all of this. Just being in this close to him is a danger. A danger for me and him.
I get away from him quickly and point to the bed. "I call that bed as mine. You are sleeping in the one," I point to the other bed in the other side, "I will share this one with Hanah."
He has a confuse face on and is looking at me with hurt visible on his eyes. I can't look at him because the look make my heart clench painfully. I look everywhere, but at him.
"That's fine," He finally says after a while. I look at him briefly and gave him a small smile. He gets up and walks over to his bed. He grabs his bags in the process and puts them on his bed. After he did all that he simply walks out of the room with out another word.
I close my eyes and let out the breath that has been there since the moment I pulled away. I sit down on the bed and let a tear roll down my cheek. Why does everything always have to be so complicated? I can hear Myles voice in the back of my mind reminding me. Reminding of the what things need to be like.
You can't be with him, he said, or you will know what I really can do.
We haven't said a word to each other since this afternoon in the room. I just need to get through the rest of today and tomorrow. It was less than two day and maybe once we get home I can just ignore him. Even if my heart breaks it the best for both of us.
"Kennedy!" My dad yelled for the second time, "Come down here and help us!"
My dad has been yelling for me to come down for the past half an hour. I don't know what he wants me to do, but it sounds exhausting considering how much noise I have herd coming from downstairs.
I think it may be close to 10 so that means I will be going to sleep pretty soon. I am not one of those teenagers that can stay up until 2. It's just a fact that if I don't get enough sleep I would be the worse bitch you will ever meet, so that is the reason I have always gone to sleep really early. That way I knew that I had the chance to get enough sleep.
I groan and got up from the bed. I walked down the stairs and to the living room. Everything down here was quiet and deserted. I looked around confuse. I then hear steps approaching me fast. I look to where they are coming from.
Hanah is running towards me with a smile. She stops in front of me and gets a hold of my hand. "Come on Ken! Lets go eat some murshmellows!" She yells out. I laugh at the way she said marshmallows.
I let her lead me outside. There is a bon fire in the middle and chair surround it. My dad smiles at me, "Good she got you here." I smile at him and nod. "Why don't you go get Hunter to join us. He is down there by the lake."
I force a smile on and nod. I don't really feel like socializing with Hunter right now but I wasn't about to tell my dad that. I started my way down the path that leads down to lake. I was looking around for him and I could not see him anywhere.
"Hunter?" I called out for him. "Hunter?"
I waited for him to respond but I herd nothing. I walked a little more down the path and called his name once again. There was still no sound coming. I looked around for him but I still couldn't see him.
I looked to where the voice came from and walked towards it. Hunter was sitting down leaning against a tree. He had his notebook on his lap and a pencil on his hand.
"Um, my dad told me to come get you," I told him.
He nodded and got up. I turned around and was about to walk towards the cabin when I felt his hand encircle around my wrist. I turned around to face him. He gave handed me a piece of paper. I looked down at it and saw it was a drawing. It was the lake in front of us. He drew it just as it looked right now. Everything was dark but the moon was seen on the water on it. Making the whole place light up.
I looked up at him, "It's beautiful." I simply said and looked back down at it to exam it further. It was truly beautiful. He brought his finger down under my chin and made me look at him.
"This beauty will only last until the morning. Then everything will go back to normal." He says. I think this has more than one meaning. I feel like this isn't about the moon but of something else.
I stare at his face, which is not very clear, "Then I guess the beauty of us will only last until everything is back to normal."
With that said I close the gap between our lips. I couldn't resist it. Myles isn't here and I doubt he will find out about this. I need the beauty of this moment to last for as long as possible because I needed to feel Hunter's lips against mine as much as I can. Because everything will go back to normal as soon as we were out of here.
I know you all probably hate me because I haven't updated since like the beginning of the month. This is an 'I'm sorry' update. It short but it's something.
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The Bad Boy's Possession
Teen FictionKennedy doesn't like drama. She tries to stay away from it at all costs. She likes things simple and she doesn't like attention. Moving has a lot of negative things, but moving a month after school starts has even more. Kennedy doesn't think that it...