Hunter's P.O.V.
My mind is spinning in a million directions right now. I really don't know what to believe right now. The rumors going around school aren't helping at all either. Everyone heard about the little show Myles gave during lunch so now everyone is assuming things.
Some say that Myles made Kennedy to date him so he could make me jealous, but since Kennedy decided that she doesn't want him no more he is going to take revenge on her and me. This is what I most likely believe "the deal" is all about. Others, though, say very different things. Kennedy and Myles were supposedly sleeping together and then Kennedy stopped. Therefor leaving Myles very thirsty. That I especially don't want to believe.
I haven't seen Kennedy since lunch and I am very worried about her. She wasn't called at all when I left her. I know she didn't want me to intervene between hers and Myles argument but when Myles had his hands around her I couldn't help myself. I was not going to let him hurt her again. I also couldn't stand to see Kennedy so frighten. I can still see the panic in her eyes.
It's driving me crazy. Thinking about Kennedy. Thinking about that deal that she made with Myles. I think that deal is something big because I will never forget how harsh his words sounded.
I let out a frustrated groan and got up from my bed. I can't just lay here and do nothing. I need to find out stuff. I walk over to the French doors that lead to my balcony and stare across. Kennedy's curtains are wide open and I can see her laying down in her bed. Her long dark long hair spread behind her and her eyes close. She looks like she is in deep thought.
I push the door open and jump to Kennedy's balcony. I go to her balcony door and open her doors. Kennedy is completely zoned out because she doesn't here me enter. She doesn't even move an inch.
Somehow just the sight of seeing her makes me feel much better. I smile, "Hey."
Kennedy jumps up and turns her head towards me. I let out a small chuckle at her reaction. She smiles at me but I can tell it isn't a genuine smile. Every part of that smile is fake and I just know that something is wrong with her.
My smile drops into a frown, "What's wrong, baby?" I say to her in a soft voice as I sit next to her.
She looks down and shakes her head. She doesn't speak at all. Her silence is killing me, though. I need something from her. I gently grasp her chin and make her look up at me. As she looks up I can see that her eyes are full of tears. I am so confuse but concern.
Ah, I guess I really do have love going through my veins then. I never will have imagine myself falling in love. I just didn't think I was love material. Sure one day I had hope to fall in love, get married, and eventually start my own family. But I gave up on that a long time ago. I just knew that I will be able to have someone love me back. Kennedy has just been the exception to everything I guess.
I caress her cheek gently. I don't know what is wrong with her but I don't want to see her cry. I just don't think I can handle that sight once again. Her bottom lip is in a pout, "I'm... I'm sorry, Hunter." She finally sobs out. The tears that were on her eyes finally start to pour out.
I wrap my arms around her body and she rest her head in my chest. I feel the tears starting to sting my shirt. I set a kiss on top of her head and caress her hair. "Shh, Kennedy. It's alright. Everything is just fine." I say in a soothing voice in an attempt to calm her down.
"I never meant for this to happen, Hunter." She sobs out once again, "I'm so sorry."
I don't know what she is talking about but it scares me to see her so work out about this. If she is this hysterical about this then it must be something big. Most of the times Kennedy handles situations really well.
"Everything is alright, sweetheart," I tell her as I try to comfort her. I keep repeating this for a couple of more minutes and she sobs slowly come to a stop. Even when she stops crying we stay the way we are for a couple of minutes more. Just me holding her. It's something really simple but for some reason it feels real special. Like somehow the world has stop spinning and it has just focused on us and right this moment is the most important thing in the whole universe.
When Kennedy sits back up and looks at me I can see the fear in her eyes. That fear in her eyes have me alarm and I don't know what to expect next. She doesn't say anything and neither do I. The fucking silence somehow is painful and I just need to hear whatever she is afraid of already. Be it good or bad.
"Kennedy what is it?" I finally ask.
She looks at everywhere but me and that makes me really uneasy. When she finally speaks at me she is looking down at her hands, which are crossed on her lap. "I made a deal with Myles after I rejected you and I have broken it." She stops and looks up at me. "And like he said, I knew the consequences of breaking it well and clear. I never planned for anything of this to happen. But please believe me when I tell you that I love you with everything in me."
What do you think of this chapter? Isn't something? What do you think is the deal Kennedy made with Myles?
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The Bad Boy's Possession
Teen FictionKennedy doesn't like drama. She tries to stay away from it at all costs. She likes things simple and she doesn't like attention. Moving has a lot of negative things, but moving a month after school starts has even more. Kennedy doesn't think that it...