Who are you?

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TW: mentions of knives and scars, swearing

just a warning, I've NEVER watched BearSMP before... so I'm very sorry if the Canon characters act different than their actual canon characters


I was currently sitting on the couch next to Billzo, talking about the newest Caves and Cliffs update, when I heard a girlish scream coming from Lani's room. Tommy looked up from his phone, frightened, while Freddie grabbed a knife, Aimsey held on to Serena, and Billzo, well, he ran outside. I swiftly stood up and ran towards Lani's room, scared for the young teen. Once I got to her room, I pushed open the door seeing a group of 5 strange people next to her. 

"what did you do to my sister...?" I spoke. Before the strange people could even speak, I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. I identified them as Tommy. "TOBY! thank god your safe! Is Lani oka-" before he finished, he looked over to the strange people, his face filled with confusion.

A girl with long brown hair, dressed like Finn from Adventure Time, walked towards us. I slowly walked backwards as Tommy put a protective hand in front of me. "Ah, Hello! sorry for the fright! I'm Aimsey!" the girl stuck her hand out, waiting for one of us to shake it. Tommy then quickly slapped her hand away, a scowl on his face. "haha very funny, but your not Aimsey" The blond spoke. I looked over and noticed a Blond boy with scars all over him, a boy with brown hair who appeared to be half ram, a black and white boy who happened to be very tall, and a skeleton?

Then it clicked. 


I'm guessing, me?, should I call him me? well, Tubbo noticed me staring. he gave a light chuckle and waved me over. I slowly got out of Tommy's grip while he was still arguing with Aimsey. I walked towards the group with a soft smile. "Tubbo are you serious? do we HAVE to invite him over here" Tommy said, clearly suspicous of me. Tubbo softly nuged Tommy, showing him I was present.

"Sorry for the scare! I'm Tub-" I quickly interupped him. "Your Tubbo! and that's Tommy, Billzo, and Ranboo!" I said, pointing towards the person whos name I was calling. "What the fuck? how do you know who I am?!" "how do you know who Ranboo and I are?!" "who's Ranboo?" They all said at the same time. Tubbo slowly turned towards Ranboo. "You're Ranboo honey-" The brunette spoke. 

"I am?'

"yes" both Tubbo and I said at the same time. Tubbo then slowly turned towards me once again. "uh wait- who's Billzo and Aimsey? and you still didn't answer our question!" Tubbo said once again. 'goddamn he talks so much' .  "Okay first of all, Billzo is the skeleton dude and Aimsey is the girl. Second of all, you all mayyy or may not be all from a video game we play?" I said, squeezing my eyes shut {You guys know what I mean right? like when you say something like a question you squeeze your eyes shut and kinda hold your body?}

Aimsey must have heard what I said, cause she quickly turned around, confusion and shock plastered on her face.


Crol Speaks:

And that's a rap! I'm actually very proud of this chapter! I'm thinking of making a part two! also requests are open! you can comment something you might like for a oneshot/prefrence! hope you all have a good day! and remember to drink water, eat, and rest <3

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