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An MCYT x SCP au!

TW: swearing, mentions of blood, needles


Some scientists hunt different SCPs around the world, capturing them and experimenting on them

Tommy sat in front of his brother, a large grin on his face. "Heya Toms! how are you?" Wilbur asked. "I'm doin' good, how are you?" Tommy asked his brother. "I'm well" Wilbur responded. The two ate in silence until a voice boomed from the loudspeaker. "Mr. Innit and Mr. Underscore to room 49 please" Tommy groaned, putting his meal in a brown bag. "Didn't even get to fuckin finish" Tommy muttered, ruffling his blonde hair. "Good luck Toms" Wilbur smiled. Tommy grabbed his bag, placing it in the freezer. He shut the freezer and began walking to the door. "Don't die!" Wilbur joked.

Tommy shut the door, walking down the hall. He passed different SCPs, contained in glass prisons. He shuttered at one SCP that had a bear like feautres, a big slash going through its' stomach. He continued walking, finally getting to room 49. He noticed a short boy in front of the door, a big grin on his face. Tommy took one of the clipboards that was hanging off the wall, singing his name. A large metal door then opened, revealing a room with rows of computers, scientests sitting in front of some. Tommy clutched the clipboard to his stomach, letting the other boy go first.

The boy walked in, gasping. Tommy walked in next, seeing a giant creature crouched in a corner. "Hello Mr. Innit and Mr. Underscore, thank you for coming on such short notice" The head scientest said. "It was no problem Mr. Wastaken" Mr. Underscore said, a grin on his face. "This is R4N800" Mr. Wastaken said, pointing to the creature. "He's doesn't seem very hostile, except when there are loud noises" Mr. Wastaken explained. The two boys nodded, writing down the information on their clipboards. Another large door opened, revealing the room with R4N800. The two walked into the room, the creature growling at the sound of the door slamming shut. "Hello... I'm Tubbo" Mr. Underscore whispered. The creature whipped it's head around, letting the boys get a better look at its' face.

Its' skin was pearly white on one side, while the other side was a pitch black. He had red and green eyes that shined in the light. A big cluster of blood was on the black side of his face, occasonally dripping to the floor. Tommy couldn't help but feel sympathy for the monster. 

"R̷͈̯̋̉̇̔̆́̍Â̸̧̡̨̪̠̬̱̗̲̂̄̈͘͜Ñ̴͓͕̖B̶̳͈͇̓̂O̵̢͆̾́Ó̴̖̺͉͕̖̣̣͓̑̑͛" The creature muttered, shocking the two boys. "Your names Ranboo?" Tommy asked, causing the creature to nod. Tommy clicked his pen, writing down the creatures name. "I'm Tommy" The creatures' tail wagged, causing the boys to gasp. They didn't even notice he had a tail. "I like you tail!" Tubbo said, causing Ranboo's tail to wag faster. Tommy turned around, seeing the scientests behind the glass with shocked faces. Tubbo walked closer to the creature, hovering his hand over the creatures back. "Do you mind if I...?" Tubbo asked, pointing to Ranboo's leg. Ranboo nodded. Tubbo layed his hand on Raboo, emitting a purr out of the creature. Tubbo smiled and began petting Ranboo. Tommy stared in shock at the two. Tubbo tunred around, waving Tommy over.

Tommy hesitantly walked over, hovering his hand over Ranboo's back. "Don't worry Mr. Innit, he's nice" Tubbo said. "Call me Tommy" He said, placing his hand on Ranboo. Ranboo purred even louder, causing Tubbo to giggle. "You're a good boy, aren't you?" Tubbo praised. The creature moved from the corner, walking over to Tommy and Tubbo. The two moved back, hoping to not get squished. Ranboo stood up, his head almost touching the ceiling. "wow! you're tall!" Tommy joked. Ranboo bent back down, laying on the ground. Tommy and Tubbo laughed, walking back over to Ranboo. They continued to pet him, until a the large door re-opened.

Mr. Wastaken walked out, clipboard in hand. "We got all we needed, thank you boys" Ranboo growled, nuzzling into Tubbos' leg. "C'mon Ranboo, we have to go" Tubbo said, a sympathetic smile on his face. Ranboo growled louder, causing Tommy to flinch. Mr. Wastaken walked over, a needle in hand. Tommy eyed him, confusion written on his face. "Why are you holding a needle?" Tommy asked. Mr. Wastaken walked over to Ranboo, hovering the needle over his leg. "To do this" Dream smiled, injecting the needle into Ranboos' leg. Ranboo howled, getting the attention of the other scientests. "No!" Tubbo yelled, Holding Ranboos' leg. "Relax, It didn't kill him" Dream chuckled. Tommy galred at Mr. Wastaken, a scowl on his face.

"Now you two, you're on break" Dream said, putting the needle back in his pocket. Tommy stood up, staring at a sleeping Ranboo. Tubbo stood up as well, grabbing his clipboard and walking out. Tommy followed behind him, handing his clipboard to Mr. Wastaken. Tommy and Tubbo both left the room, frowns on their faces. "That was so mean..." Tubbo mumbled. "Tell me about it" Tommy said, looking at the ground. "Well, I'll see you around sometime" Tommy said, walking away from Tubbo.

𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒; 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙬✓Where stories live. Discover now