Beeduo Marriage

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sorry I haven't posted in a while, but thank you for 1k reads!

TW: mention of wars, death, suicide

                          ^ What Ranboo is Wearing

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                          ^ What Ranboo is Wearing

                                      ^ What Tubbo is wearing

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                                      ^ What Tubbo is wearing


I stood at the long mirror in front of me, fixing my red tie. The wars are finally over, and we are all at peace. I can finally marry Ranboo without any problems now. At our first "Wedding" we just gave each other rings. It technically wasn't official, so here we are. As I looked over my outfit, I noticed a certain blonde walked in

"Hey Tommy" I said to my best friend. "Hey Tubbo, you look great" I gave him a small smile, thanking him. "I saw Ranboo, he looks great" I smiled wider, oh how excited I was to see him. "I'm sure he does"

I heard the door open again, this time it was Sapnap. "hey Tubbo! time to get out there!" he said, patting my back. I looked over my outfit one more time, fixing all the wrinkles. I took a deep breath in.

"I'm ready" I started walking down the isle, seeing all my friends and family. I made Tommy my best man of course. 


I was sitting next to my mirror, panicking. My older sister, Niki was sitting next to me giving me a hug. "It's gonna be okay boo, I know you can do it" She said, helping me stand up. She then put the veil in front of my face. "There's my beautiful baby brother, god I'm so proud of you" she said, wiping away tears. I lightly laughed.

Someone then entered my room, I saw it was Sapnap. "Hey Ranboo! time to get out there!" I quickly nodded at him, picking up Micheal who was chewing on his bouquet. I quickly walked towards the giant grand wood doors, where I saw Tubbo and I's  groomsmen standing. 

Quackity turned around to me, giving me a thumbs up. "You're gonna do great" he said. I heard 'Here comes the bride' start playing. First Tommy and Charlie walked out, going to their respective spot. Jack and Techno walked out next, doing the same as Tommy and Charlie. Next was George and Quackity. Finally Micheal and Shroud walked out, Micheal holding a basket of flowers and Shroud holding two rings.

"You ready?" Niki asked. "ready as ever" I said. Niki then latched her arm with mine, and we both slowly started walking down the isle. My eyes shot around the room going from Dream, to Phil, to George, to Quackity, then finally to Tubbo. He had evident tears in his eyes. his mouth was covered with his hands.

As we got to the alter, Niki unlatched her arms with me. She then walked over to Tubbo, whispering something in his ear. He gave a large gulp, and nodded his head. Niki then walked up to me, giving me a hug. As we both let go she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I then walked over to the alter, grasping Tubbo's hands.

"You look great" Tubbo spoke, his voice shaky. "Thank you, so do you" I said smiling. "We are gathered here today to see the marriage of Tubbo Underscore and Ranboo Beloved"


"Tubbo, do you take Ranboo to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Wilbur said. "I do" Tubbo spoke, tears spilling down his cheek. "Ranboo, do you take Tubbo to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I looked over to Niki. She gave me a quick thumbs up, then dabbed her eye with a tissue. "I do" I said. "perfect, you may now kiss the br- groom. you may now kiss the groom" The church laughed at Wilbur's slip up. I then incased Tubbo into a kiss, hearing the church roar with claps and cheers. 

I stare at Tubbo, our for heads touching. 

"I love you Tubbo Underscore"

Tubbo stared at Ranboo's dead body, black and purple blood spilling out of him. Tubbo then  pulled Sam's sword out of Ranboo's chest, aiming it at his. 

"I love you too, Ranboo Beloved"

Tubbo then stabbed himself with the same sword that killed his husband, thick red blood leaking out of him. He heard the screams and cries of his friends, but only paid attention to the figure in front of him.

"I love you more Tubbo"

"I love you most Ranboo"


Ty for 1k reads though!

also, does anyone get the Tangeled refrence at the end?

𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒; 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙬✓Where stories live. Discover now