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Full name: Alexander Nicholas Hayes

Nicknames: Alex

Age: Depends on RP

Birthday: December 15

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Alex is best described as a shy sweetheart. He's very intelligent and slightly nerdy. He's also pretty sensitive and gets emotional at times. He gets very passionate about and toward the things and people he loves. Alex would give the shirt off his back to any of his friends. But, his anxiety and shyness sometimes hold him back from making them. Overall, Alex is a gentle and caring male.

Species: Human

Relationships: He has a twin brother named Asher

Major: Biology

Occupation: Surgeon

Height: 5'8 1/2

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Faceclaim: Alvaro Mel

Looks: Real:

Hobbies: Reading, writing, sketching, drawing, painting, gardening, working out

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Hobbies: Reading, writing, sketching, drawing, painting, gardening, working out

Likes: Art, books, poetry

Dislikes: Crowded spaces

Favorite Color: Pastel blue

Favorite Animal: Dog

Favorite Flower: Hydrangea

Favorite Foods: Sour candy, tea

Quotes: "Somedays, I really wish I was someone else."
"You know, twins aren't always alike."

Other Facts: He has anxiety
His mother was very neglectful and his father died, so he and Asher practically raised themselves. The twins have a very close bond due to this

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