Chapter 9

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Jo scanned the airport for an exit strategy as she felt the man continue to prod her back with the gun. They'd been walking for nearly five minutes and there still had been no sight of Ziva. Jo could only hope that the older agent was fine and simply waiting for the best time to attack the man with a gun. Without a clear strategy in sight, Jo did was she did best. Be sarcastic.

"So, come here often?"

Her question was met with a rough jab in the back by the gun barrel causing Jo to grunt slightly.

"Yeah me neither. This is actually my first time in Cairo believe it or not. Well actually that's not true. I got capture once and tortured a few miles away so I flew home from this airport. Hey! Actually you might know those guys! Tall angry looking terrorists that were intend on you destroying democracy or whatever. Funny dudes. You know them?"

Another rough jab.

"Huh that's too bad. I think you'd like them if you met them. Really good vibes you know. I'd introduce y'all but I kinda killed them. My b. Oh actually wait, Ziva also killed a few but that was more for fun than necessity. She kinda crazy. But good crazy you know what I mean?"

This time her statement was met with the click of the safety being turned off.

"You're kinda a buzzkill you know that. Y'all are always so serious, like have some fun with your job. Mix it up a little. Honestly this is out of my comfort zone. I normally prefer to go straight to the hands on action of my job, just as my girlfriend, but talking can be good too. You should try having fun with your job."

Her comments caused the man to chuckle darkly as he leaned forward to whisper in Jo's ear with his broken English.

"My job is enjoyment. I see light leave their eyes as I torture. They beg for death but they do not receive it until I decide."

"See! That's what I'm talking about. I love that too. Have you ever tried electrocuting a guys dick. It looks like a raisin when you're done."

Jo couldn't help by smirk smugly as she heard the man swallow thickly behind her while he prodded her with the gun again. Her smirk only widened when she realized they were walking outside and away from civilians.

"The U.S. government has rules and legislation against torture, not that the CIA ever listens, but it gets in the way of the fun I can have back in the states. Thankfully, I'm here with Mossad not the U.S. which gives me a lot more freedom. People always  talk about China's torture and human rights abuses and how horrifying it all is, but who do you think taught it to them. Mossad. I've been hoping for one of those attache jobs with China for a long time. Never came though. I guess I'll just have to have my fun with you instead."

Before the man could process her comment, Jo had shifted slightly to side while spinning away to grab the gun. The man pulled the trigger but the only thing it did was pop the tire on a cab. In less than 5 seconds Jo had control of the gun and the man. Jo let out a wide smile as she watched Ziva pull up in an SUV.

"Well go on then, get in the car. I can't wait to see the light leave your eyes. Like you said. It's the best part."


Much to everyone surprise, Mossad actually planned on cooperating with Alex and the others. They sent an armed escort to the hotel to pick them up and break them back to a safe house where they could be briefed. The group of 4 American soccer players along with 1 Australian were waiting in a cold room that look strikingly similar to an interrogation room. Just when Alex had lost her patience and was standing up to demand more answers, the door opened. A young Israeli came in with an easy smile on his face but his eyes promised danger for any who mistook his smile for weakness.

"Please sit Ms. Morgan. We have much to discuss."

Alex slowly lowered herself into a chair, realizing for the first time that she might not be in charge. However, before the man could say anything Ellie spoke in a calm voice that promised danger of her own.

"If you are planning on integrating us then I strongly urge you to think differently. The U.S. does not often look kindly on other countries interrogating their citizens and neither does Australian."

Much to Ellie's annoyance, the man let out a loud genuine laugh at her comment.

"Please, Ms. Carpenter if this was an interrogation there would be blood. You are here because you need something from me, and I am here because I need something from you. It would be all to easy to block you from receiving any type of information about Jo's activity's, but the director is especially involved in this operation and has authorized the release of certain information."

This time it was Alex who snapped at the man.

"And why should we trust you. We don't even know your name."

"My name is Adam, and I'm afraid you don't have much choice."

Adam's eyes flashed dangerously as he glanced around the room, daring one of them to speak again.

"Great now that we have that settled. We have important information to discuss. Jo is on a mission with one of our most capable agents to eliminate a threat to both Israel and the United States. We have complete faith in their ability to achieve their mission; however, their is an aspect that will cause great emotional distress to Jo."

Alex nodded in understanding before speaking up.

"She's going to kill her father."

"Well yes, but that is not what we are worried about. Before they breech the compound, Jo will receive orders to also kill her brother Omar. He has been radicalized by their father and Mossad along with your CIA have decided he will likely continue his fathers work after his death. Again, we have complete faith in Jo's ability to carry out orders. But we are worried about what happen after and that's where you all come in. We would like you to be the first person Jo see after completion of the mission. You job will be what it is now: to be her friends. Keep her from spiraling after Omar's death. It's simple really. We are just offering to deliver you to the right place at the right time."

Ellie's anger had once again boiled over.

"So you're using Jo as a pawn and you want us to manage her so that she is effective for you in the future. Are you fucking kidding me. What if we refuse? You kill us?"

Adam made a face of fake hurt.

"No no no. As you said, we do not want to anger our Western allies. It is well within you right to refuse; however, you cannot be allowed to leave before the completion of the mission given how much you know. You would sleep here under our protection until we deem it safe for you to leave."

Ellie scoffed.

"Nice was of saying we're you're prisoners."

Adam smiled again, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"It would do you well to not think of it in that way, but I cannot control what you think or what you decide. However, it is pertinent for you to know that if at any point after the mission's completion is seems that Jo self destructiveness could turn dangerous for Mossad, we will neutralize the threat. Jo is very good at what she does, but we have an agent that could handle her effectively."

Alex looked at her friends as she gauged what they were thinking before finally speaking.

"We'll do it."

"Perfect. We will have a driver take you back to the hotel to pack. Your flight leaves tonight. "

A/N Hey y'all first semester college has kicked my ass so I'm sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I actually have COVID rn so I've got some time to put out a few chapters. My goal is to have this done before I got back to school in January but no promises. Hope y'all had a good Christmas.

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