Chapter 1

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Jo and Alex moved towards the baggage claim, hoping to grab their bags without being recognized by any fans. Their hopes were quickly dashed as they heard their names being yelled; however, they quickly realized that the person calling their names wasn't a fan. It was the one and only Kelley O'hara who was sprinting full speed at the 2 soccer players. Jo just barely had time to brace herself before Kelley jumped on her, narrowly avoiding knocking them both over.

"Oof Kelley! You could've killed me!"

Kelley rolls her eyes at the younger girl's exaggeration as she slowly gets down and moves to hug Alex.

"I forgot how much of a sarcastic shit you are. Why did I ever miss you?"

"Cause you're lonely and you don't have friends your age..."

Kelley spins around quickly, glaring as she sees the smirk on the younger girls face. Alex watches the interaction, fighting a laugh as she sees Kelley's eyes reclaim their usual mischievous glint.

"Yeah maybe you're right. Or maybe it's cause- Oh look it's an ant."

Before Kelley can even finish pointing at a spot near Jo's feet, Jo was safely in Alex's arms after nearly setting a new high jump world record in her attempt to get away from the ant. After frantically searching the ground, Jo looks up at the two older players in confusion. That action was the last straw for Alex and Kelley. Kelley doubled over laughing, while Alex tried and failed to hide her amusement. Jo, feeling Alex's chest shake with laughter, turned to pout at Alex which only served to make her laugh harder. After several minutes, Kelley and Alex finally got their laughter under control. Alex went to set Jo down, but the younger girl refused to put her feet on the ground, her eyes still scanning the area warily.

"So, just to be clear, there was no ant right?"

Jo's question sends Kelley into another fit of laughter while Alex just shakes her head no, doing better at hiding her amusement this time. Jo reluctantly allows herself to be put down as Kelley leads the way over to baggage claim.

As they walk Jo can't help but think about the last year. It's been six months since the death of Jo's mother. Since then, Jo has been living with Alex in Orlando and has started her senior year at the local high school. All three players were called up to all of the team camps since the incident, but the last camp was over two months ago leaving the national team members, and especially Jo, missing their friends. While Jo was excited to see the other national team members, she was also hoping to see a certain Australian. This camp was the lead up camp to the She Believes Cup which included the Australian team along with the French and the Brazilians. Jo and Ellie had maintained their relationship long distance with Jo in Orlando and Ellie with the thorns in Portland. While Jo was lost in thought about her relationship she failed to notice the person sneaking up behind her as she stood waiting for her luggage to appear.

Jo jumped as a pair of arms snaked around her waist. She spun quickly, afraid that it was a fan that was getting too close for comfort, but her fears were soon forgotten when she made eye contact with the Australian that she was just longingly thinking about.

"Ellie! I missed you."

Before Ellie could respond, Jo flung her arms around the older girl's neck pulling her closer. Jo leaned up and kissed Ellie, surprising the Australian with her boldness. The two girls continued to kiss until they were interrupted by Alex's not so subtle coughing fit. Alex glared at the Australian causing her to nervously take a step back. Jo rolled her eyes at Alex's over protectiveness, smacking the girl lightly on the arm. Alex sighs softly before relaxing her threatening stance and reaching out to shake the Australians hand.

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