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Our lives had intertwined immensely, my sweet. You brought me to do things I'd never done before. And helped me through so much. We spent our time at our crafted home at the end of the yard. And just enjoyed one another.

You were giving me your all. And spent every second of every moment with me. However, I thought this was our forever. Yet you were running on a timer.

We'd hug, hold, and kiss one another for as long as we could until the outside world begged us to come back out.

And we loved it. I loved it. And around this time I had the feeling that I was starting to love you. I couldn't tell if it was true. But I felt like I knew.

Knew that you were the princess I wanted to make a queen. Knew that you were going to be the honey that sweetens my tea.

I knew. That you were going to be the stitches that sewed my life together. And hold me close to you forever. The beauty I wanted to wake up to every morning from the day that you would choose to marry me. To bind us for life.

All of this could be ours. But again. Our time ran too short. And I wasn't aware of it at the moment. But I'd be quick to have you taken. Taken from me. Taken from us.

You had met my father. And had seen my mother a few times while you were at my house. And I had met your father. But we have never all collectively been acquainted.

So I deemed it fit for my family to host your father and you to dinner.

My mother was excited because she saw the way I looked at you. And she must've known what I was feeling about you. She's my mother after all. She knows me best.

She was adamant about making this a great meal. If not one of her best yet. My poor mother spent all day stressing over the portions and courses of the meal. And how to prepare and serve it for you.

When we got to school that day I told you about her worries. You reassured me with your charming promise. Saying you would compliment every dish. I laugh and hug you. Thanking you.

After school, I dropped you off at your house to get ready for the well-anticipated meal together.

I assisted in the kitchen until the doorbell rang.

"I got it." I place a platter down on the table before heading to open the door.

I opened it up to find a beautifully dressed girl. With her hair done half up and half down. A lovely little sundress and matching headband.

You looked stunning, love.

"Hey! Good to see you, sir." I say to your father diverting my eyes away from his daughter.

"Ah for sure Luca!" He smiles while shaking my hand. I smile back at him and chuckle. Facing my attention towards you once he had walked into the house and my father had caught his attention.

"Leilani," I smile at you.

"Luca." You nod back with a grin of approval to my choice of fashion for the night.

"May I take your coat?" I raise an eyebrow at the off-white cardigan you wore.

"I think I'll keep it on for now. But thank you." You stepped in and smiled at the houses inside. Even though you'd seen it before. You were yet to view it in its dinner party glory.

I shut the door and watch you walk into the kitchen where our fathers had already settled into a conversation

"Mrs. Marino, the food smells great!" You smile over to my rushed mother.

"Oh! That makes me feel great dear!" She squeals.

"It should! I mean I only walked into the kitchen because I smelt risotto." My mother chuckled.

"Good nose." She winked at you. However, you knew this because I'd told you what she'd agreed on this morning. But you remembered.

"Can I help you with anything? Any table setting?" You were prepared to get messy in the catastrophic kitchen.

"Oh no, no. Everything's all set dear. Plus we wouldn't want to ruin that lovely dress of yours. Where did you get it?" My mother stared at the design of the tattered but floral pink dress you wore.

"Oh, haha. I made it." You smile. My mother's eyes widened.

"That's amazing. You might have to make me something one day." She clicked her tongue standing by the doorway out. Signifying she would be back.

That was my cue to walk in. Our fathers had settled into the living room. And mother was still rummaging around to finish the food placements.

I crept in and tiptoed towards you. Snaking my arms around your perfectly modelled waist.

"Ooh, hehe." You giggle feeling my arms on you.

"You really should make mom something. She doesn't have anything designer styled. And you could easily craft it up for her." I mumble kissing the spot under your ear that made you wriggle.

"I plan on it." You turn to face me. "It should be my best work yet. For the best chef ever."

"You should tell her that." I chuckle. You smile and scrunch your nose that cute way you do while pressing it to mine.

"Aw, young love. How cute." My mother pouts with a hand on her chest. We turn to look at her and start laughing. "You guys can smooch later. For now, you need to eat." She shooed me away from you to help her bring some plates over to the dining table.

Once everything was set and everyone was seated. We began digging in. You didn't fail to comply with your promise. Which in no way were you obliged to keep. Not that you owed me anything. However, you did. And didn't let down. I could see the love in my mother's eyes with every compliment you gave.

And every new thing you took seconds of when she offered. She was loving you like her own daughter. And it melted my heart to see the first woman I'd ever loved in my life; begin to love the new one.

Of course, our dads hit it off all night. And we were talking away til' late at night. You and I proceeded to head up to my room. With the door open as instructed by your dad's gaze when we said we were going up.

The night seemed an awful success. Everyone was liking everyone. Which was perfect.

We went upstairs and just sat on my bed listening to music and talking.

The night went by so smoothly it almost felt short-lived.

Everyone headed back home and all the goodbyes were said. I kissed you goodnight and walked you to your front door as your dad strayed longer making his goodbyes extra long with my parents. Chatting a bit more outside as well.

"Goodnight Luca." You smile, kissing my lips with your soft rosy-red ones.

"Good night Lani," I say, poking the tip of your button nose. You scrunch it and I laugh at the reaction. You walk into the house and wave a final "bye" before closing the door.

I stared at the shut front door when I felt a hand pat my shoulder.

"Goodnight son." Your father stated, nodding.

"Goodnight sir. It was great having you guys." I smiled at him.

"It was nice of you to have us." He turned back to finally say. I nod and start for my house as he steps into yours.

Eventful night. I think to myself. 

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