Chapter Six

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My eyes close, and for a moment I wonder if I'm back in my dream from this morning, or if I'm hallucinating. Oh my God, please let me be hallucinating. I turn around slowly, hoping he'll have disappeared. But he's not gone. He's standing just in front of me, a drink in hand. And he somehow looks even hotter than he did the last time I saw him. He's wearing a blue Beatles t-shirt this time, which makes the blue of his eyes pop. He's still wearing skinny jeans, but these ones have a hole in the knee, and he's got those converse sneakers on his feet. The leather camera strap is hanging over his left shoulder, the camera resting against his hip. His hair is a bit disheveled, but in that purposeful way that is incredibly attractive. I bite my lip, and then release it. I don't want him to think he makes me nervous. Which he so does.

"Hi," I reply, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Umm... what are you doing here?" Oh my God, could I sound anymore rude? I try to recover. "I mean... isn't this party supposed to be a post-Lake City High School graduation party?" He definitely did not go to Lake City. I would have known for sure. I swallow nervously as he stares at me, a crooked smile playing on his lips. Does he know how he affects me? Is he doing it on purpose?

"Oh, well," he says, shuffling his feet, "I just met the dude who's running this party a couple days ago. Wes?" I nod my head, and he continues. "Right. Well, I met him at the beach, and we hit it off. He called me and invited me to his graduation party." Wow. So Wesley, after knowing this guy for just a couple days, decided to invite him to a party where he would be surrounded by people we've all known for years. This guy must have a weird affect on everyone. And he's still smiling at me. "Anyway, how are you?"

I give him a shaky smile. "I'm good. Just here with some friends. Celebrating our freedom from the mundanity that is high school." He blinks, and I'm again struck by how long his eyelashes are. It makes him look so deliciously sexy and sensitive. Mysterious. Like his eyelashes are the curtains guarding his soul. "So... how's your chest doing?" WHAT? I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT TO THIS GUY! His eyes widen, and I continue. "You know... after you fell off your skateboard?"

"Oh God," he says, and he closes his eyes and shakes his head. "I still can't believe I did that. I must've looked so dumb, right?" I shake my head, but I can't speak. He takes my breath away. Why does he take my breath away? "Thanks for helping me though. You probably saved my life."

I laugh nervously. "I wouldn't go that far. It was just a few scrapes."

"Yeah, but they could've gotten infected," he whispers, and I wonder if he's trying to be this alluring. "And then I could've ended up dead. I really owe my life to you." I feel my face growing hot, and I hope he can't see. He smiles. "I should really do something to repay you for all your kindness." My eyes widen. Is he about to ask me out? "What do you drink? Beer? Rum? Tequila?"

"Pop, actually," I reply. He looks at me quizzically. "I'm the DD. So... diet pop. But it's okay. My friend Sam left a little bit ago to get me a drink."

His face falls, just like it did during our first encounter. Again, I can't help but wonder why. "Damn. Okay, well... maybe next time, right?"

"Right," I say, and I see him step away to leave me. But I don't want him to leave. I want him to keep talking to me. Man, I must be a glutton for punishment. Every time I open my mouth in front of this guy I sound like a moron. But I like him. Really like him. And I want him to keep talking to me. I want to be one of those girls who can hold his attention. My heart thrashes around like a toddler having a tantrum, and I lick my lips. "Okay, well... yeah, I guess I'll—"

"Hey," Sam says breathlessly. I turn around and see her holding a red solo cup. She hands me my diet pop, and I take a nervous sip. "Sorry," she pants, and I can see her eyes are red. "I didn't mean to take so long. I ran into Kev and Claire in the hall." Uh oh. "Would you be okay if I leave?" she asks, and I silently curse Claire. "Like, would you mind being Claire's DD tonight? I just want to go while I'm still sober."

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