[3] Power Out [3]

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Just as River passed the barrier, the lights flickered on and off, until it stopped. Some of the lights were still on, but it was a lot darker than usual. The crystals and puddles have also turned red, along with the spikes. The barrier was completely off. Vio panicked and ran into a back room to hide while Aspen had already began pulling his bat away from red, spiked-back pups. When he pulled it out from under their teeth, he swung and hit them. The pups then got up and scurried away, except for one. It was wagging its tail and trotted up to River curiously.

"Aww, hey there little guy." River picked it up and scratched its head. "I'm keeping him."

Aspen began, "But-"

"No, i'm keeping him. You have no say, he's mine now." They smiled and hugged the pup closer, then suddenly, a loud BANG rang out from behind them and a slime hound jumped on River.

"Hey! Get off of them!" Aspen shouted, but to no avail. He'd have to use brute force. And he did, he hit the hound directly in its face. It fell backwards and then leapt at Aspen, who was grabbed and struggled to escape. 

"Aspen!- Gh.." River got up and kicked the slime hound off of him. Aspen had red goo all over him. No, this can't be happening, River thought.

"I'll be fine, I can get a m.. Medkit.." Aspen slowly made his way into spawn where Abble's shop was and exchanged his tokens for a medkit to get the goo off of him. It was very effective at getting it off, as he shook the rest of the goo off of his arm and onto the spawnpoint floor.

River sighed with relief, then readied their bat and ran off. Where were they going? ..No idea.

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