[5] A Violent Event [5]

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When our protagonist had left the garden, there was a shining, sparkling, and almost blindingly bright blue dragon. It was being chased by many identical people wearing all black combat suits and gas masks, almost like shadows. They were swinging scythes, bats, anything that they could get their hands on to kill the dragon. Some people just had casual clothing on and bats, metal and wood.

It boosted itself up and began flapping its wings furiously, reaching up for a pipe in the ceiling, tearing it down and throwing it at the crowd. They scattered as the two torn ends of the pipes were being held together by the dragon in a t-pose. It seemed to be struggling..

Suddenly, the pipe burst and began quickly flooding the facility, drenching the dragon as well.

Sudden disturbances within the power grid detected.
Unable to initiate low power outage mode.
Please stand by...

"This isn't normal," one of the members said in stress, "This never happened before, has it? Why are the crystals white?!" Their voice was almost inaudible due to the gas mask, but the tone and level caused River to hear and pull 2 people, that person and another one, away and into another area as water began to rise at their feet.

"W-wait," the anxious member said, "I know a place. It may not hold us very long, but we could be rescued or.. or make a plan?"

"Well spit it out, where is it?" River asked with a drop of sweat, still pulling the two along. Suddenly they took control and pulled River along and climbed a ladder. Thankfully, it wasn't very  flooded there, due to all the water falling into a seemingly bottomless abyss beside the platform. They pulled River and the other member onto a shelf and felt around the wall it was against and eventually took hold of.. Nothingness?

"What are you doing?! I don't think we have time for this-" the other member finally spoke up, then getting cut off by the other member.

"Look," they interrupted, stepping onto an invisible ladder, "Do you need me to drag you up? I wouldn't mind."

"In this state, we have no time to learn how to do it, so yeah," River stated as the member took hold with one hand of River's and River did the same with the other member until they got all the way up the ladder.

"How.. did you find out about this place?" The other member asked, slightly pulling the gas mask above his mouth to be heard clearly.

"Bumped into it while fighting off an infected, then climbed it to get away."

"Huh, this place is nice.. Well, what are your names and pronouns? I'm RIver and go by they/them!"

"Atlas, he/they.."

"Sol, and I go by they/it/axe."

"Oooh, neopronouns! I've never met anyone in-person who uses them. Nice!" River smiled at Sol.

"Well, what do we do to get out of this situation?"

"I know how to swim, I could go and try to rescue others and find help.." River suggested.

"Sure, if you're okay with it."

"Of course I am!"

"Good luck then, River."

River began climbing down the ladder to see that it still was not flooded due to the abyss. They continued, going to the area the event occured. The cave. They would try to swim through and fix the pipe themself. They climbed a stone and went onto the pipes, climbing their way to the flowing piece with the dropped pipe helping them through like a zipline. They got to it, then attempting to put it in place with one hand only. When they finally fixed it, they heard a splash beneath them..

A black and purple shark jumped out of the flood water, grabbing River by the ankle and dragging them into the water as it dug its claws into their arms. River broke free, but only to harshly hit a crystal, getting knocked out.

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