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I went downstairs and peaked through the vent. I had heard the Avengers fighting and wanted to see what was going on, the curiosity of what was happening killed me. I watched the Avengers exit the elevator. Dad fought with men in suits before falling to the ground. I gasped and someone looked at me. I scooted back into the vent so they couldn't see me. I saw the suitcase dad was fighting for slide over to me. The guy who saw me earlier walked forward and was about to pick it up before the Hulk pushed it away. The case opened and I scooted foreword. Loki picked up the blue cube and disappeared. The man looked down at me.

"What're you doing in there?" He asked.

"I was curious. Wait, dad?" I whispered. He shushed me.

"I'll meet you in your room." He said and winked at me. I nodded and crawled to my room. When I opened the vent I saw my dad, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. "You were spying on us?" I nodded. He smiled and walked over to me. He got down on his knees and hugged me tight. I hugged him back.

"How are there two of you?"

"I had to go back in time to fix things."

"You succeeded in time travel?" He nodded. "I have the coolest dad in the world."

"But you can't tell anyone. This is a secret, ok kid? I just needed to see my little girl." He kissed my forehead.

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?" He held out his pinky.

"Pinky promise." I said. He pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I've gotta go kiddo." He told me.

"Wanna sneak out my way? You should be able to fit, and that way you can't get caught. I'll show you the way out." He smiled.

"Yeah, sounds nice." I opened the vent and crawled in.

"Wich side?"


"Aye aye captain." I said and crawled forward. "So, how far in the future are you?" I asked.

"Eleven years."

"Really? Am I a hero like you?"

"The coolest." I smiled.

"I'll be like 23 then, right?"

"Well, something happened."

"Don't tell me, is it why you came back?" I asked.

"Yeah. Your a smart girl."

"I learned from the best." I said. "Um, do I ever find my birth mom? Or does Pepper adopt me?" I heard him stop, I turned and looked at him.

"You want her to adopt you?"

"Yeah? She's really cool, and I want her to be my mom. She's also funny and nice."

"I'll talk to her about it when I get back."

"Your telling me that I'm 23, and Pep hasn't adopted me yet? Tell her to get on that."

"I think she'd be really happy to hear that." I realized something.

"Hey dad, do I die?"


"I know when people are hiding feelings and you said I don't make it to 23. So why come back in time?"

"Trillions of people died, everyone in the universe lost someone."

"So there are more aliens like Thor. But trillions? That's a lot, I'm glad your going back and bringing us back. Just please be careful dad."

"You too kiddo." He said. We continued on.

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