Chapter 2

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The football list would be given out by the end of the week and everyone was on edge. Today, all Blaine was worrying about was his glee audition. He had one song he knows by heart and decided to sing that when he found out he had one day to prepare.

"Blaine Anderson!" Will called out. Finn stood and clapped as Blaine walked on stage. His heart was beating so fast that it had to be unhealthy. What if they don't like me? What if I mess up? What if I embarrass myself in front of my new friends? What if I embarrass myself in front of Kurt..? He looked up and realized the whole group was smiling at him. Blaine smiled back, loving the feeling of Kurts eyes on him. 

"I'm going to be singing Play That Song by Train." 

"Love that song." Puck mumbled. 

"Okay. Go whenever you're ready." The band started and Blaine joined in soon after, shocking everyone with his voice. 

Play that song
The one that makes me go all night long
The one that makes me think of you
That's all you gotta do

Hey Mister DJ when you gonna spin it
My baby's favorite record
She been waiting for a minute
She invited all her friends
And I'm buying all the rounds
And they're all dolled up
DJ please don't let me down

When you gonna play that song, now
When you gonna earn that pay
When you gonna play that song
And make my day
She said

Play that song
The one that makes me go all night long
The one that makes me think of you
That's all you gotta do

Play that song
The one that makes me stay out til dawn
The one that makes me go ooh
That's all you gotta do

Everyone started cheering during the chorus because his voice mixed with the energy he gave off made it even more amazing than they expected. He finished the song and got a standing ovation from the group. Blaine was shocked. They actually liked me?

"Literal chills!" Mercedes yelled. 

"I love this song but your version might be my new favorite." Puck added.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say you'd be a great addition." Will said. Everyone then clapped. "Welcome to the glee club Blaine" He smiled, relieved. 

"Thank you!" Will nodded. 

"Meetings are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, immediately following school. We start next week."

"Okay!" Blaine started leaving stage, looking at Kurt who was slumped in his seat with his feet on the top of the seat in front of him. At first he was just smiling but then gave him a wink. Suddenly, Blaine tripped, running into the piano. Kurt sat up and chuckled. Shit. Kurt just saw that. Blaine thought. That was super embarrassing. I just- can't think straight around him. He sighed as he got off stage. Why was Kurt doing this to him after 2 days of school? They don't even have any classes together since they're not in the same grade. It had been a few minutes when he realized he needed to leave and get home. Blaine opened the auditorium door as Kurt arrived to it.

"Hey, I was looking for you!" Kurt said with a smile.

"Oh. I was just... taking a minute."

"Recovering from your... stumble?" Blaine sighed and nodded, embarrassed. Kurt chuckled. "I'm just teasing you. But seriously, you were great!"


"I'm not kidding. You're like- the best singer I've heard. Ever." Blaine chuckled this time. 

"And I'm not kidding. It means a lot so thanks. A lot." 

"You're welcome." Kurt walked past and headed down the hall. "See you tomorrow Blaine!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Blaine had to take deep breaths to recover from his racing heart. Surprisingly, he handled that situation well. Wished he didn't bring up his trip but oh well. He headed to his car and drove home, Kurt staying in his mind the whole time.


"Blaine, honey." He heard him mom say, barely. 

"Hmm?" He asked, looking up. 

"You okay?" Pam Anderson asked with a small laugh. 

"Just thinking..."

"About who?" Blaine got red and looked down at his dinner. "Never mind, you don't need to tell me." She said, smiling at her son. She wanted him to talk to her. She wanted to know about his life. If she pried though, he'd push away and she didn't want that so she decided it'd be best to just leave it alone. 

"How'd you know it was someone?"

"I know the look. It's the same for everyone." 


"So, how was glee auditions?"


"What did you sing?" Blaine smiled.

"Play that song." Pam smiled and put her hand over his, grabbing it. 



"I love you honey!"

"Love you too, mom." 

Blaine and his mom have a special memory, making that song very special to them. His dad isn't around much because of how busy he is with work. They were basically best friends and did everything they needed to do together. When Blaine was younger, they were in the car, about to drive to the store when Blaine looked at his mom. 

"Is dad ever gonna have time for us?" She looked over at him, thinking of how to respond.

"Blaine. My work hours are limited. Your dad has to work much harder than me because I take care of you and don't work as often."

"Is it my fault?"

"No! It's not. He worked long hours before you were born too because he needs to provide for whoever is in his life."

"Does he like his job?"


"Is that partially why he doesn't change?"

"Yes..." He nodded. "How about we listen to music? Always cheers you up."

"Okay." She turned on the car radio and the first song that came on was Play That Song. They sang it as loud as they could until it ended. They laughed and had fun, getting everything out as well by screaming it. It was from there on out their song and every time they heard it on the radio, they blasted it and sang along, loudly, getting every emotion they felt out with it. Maybe that's why Blaine made it so much more emotional, energetic, and altogether amazing whenever he sang it. Because of the story, meaning behind it, and meaning for it. To express your feelings in that moment and get everything out in the open. Sharing that with your audience and showing how emotion can create something magical.

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