Chapter 8

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Kurt went to Blaine's house this time for one of their French lessons. It had been a couple weeks since Blaine's mom caught them so she was excited to meet him. He knocked and Blaine answered the door, smiling at him.


"Hi." Kurt said, smiling back.

"Come in." Pam entered the hallway as Kurt walked inside. "Kurt, this is my mom."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Anderson."

"Nice to meet you too!" She replied, shaking his hand.

"How about we go to the table?"

"Okay." Blaine directed Kurt to the dinning room and they sat down at the table, pulling his work out. They worked through his homework before Blaine groaned.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, smiling at him.

"I need a brain break."


"Mhm." Blaine leaned forwards, pausing when Kurt started talking again.

"Your mom is here."

"The thing about her is— she already knows..."




"You and that whole thing at school Monday."

"Ohhh... yeah, that's my bad." They both laughed.

"So, you'll kiss me?"

"Yeah." They both leaned in and kissed for a minute until they heard footsteps and backed up.

"Where were we?" Blaine said, playing that whole thing off like nothing was happening. Pam smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Let's work." Kurt said, laughing.

"I think that's a good idea." They continued until they finished. Pam said it was okay to go to his room so they went up and talked, getting to know one another even more.

"Ever had a boyfriend?" Kurt asked.




"Psh, no!"

"Mhm, sure."

"Were you two serious?"

"Yeah. We dated a couple years and then I realized he was a dick."

"Aww, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. What about you? Any boyfriends in the past?"

"No. No one else at our school has been or is openly gay."


"Then you came. Hot and nice. Who's both?" Blaine laughed.



"Well what?"


"What were you gonna say?"

"That I'm not hot." He mumbled.


"I'm not!"

"You are!" Both boys sighed. "Why don't you think so?"

"I don't know. I just— never feel like it I guess."

"Even when I kiss you? Cause I mean I think those are pretty hot. We have a lot of chemistry."

"I just— I look in a mirror and don't see what you do." Blaine looked at Kurt, deeply. He wanted to make him know how amazing and hot he is. Just wasn't sure how.

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