One door leads to another

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Death was at your door right now. You had been walking the streets peacefully, when suddenly a small black cat caught your attention. It crossed the street rapidly without a worry in the world. However, you also noticed the fast approaching truck that showed no signs of stopping. In a sudden act of foolishness and bravery, you rushed forward to shield the small animal that was crossing the street.

It lasted no more than a second, yet to you it was an eternity. Finally, the truck hit your side and you were sent skidding across the street. Your whole body was left with a numb tingling feeling while simultaneously searing with red ugly pain. The more time you spent laying on the pavement, the harder the urge to close your eyelids and sleep was.

At least one good thing came out of this accident since the black cat hopped out of your arms softly with no major injuries. The cat walked further away and then you sweared that when it turned to look at you it had a look of pity.


Pity from a cat. Your life must have been sad for a cat to pity you. After what seem hours to you a person could be heared screaming. Maybe at last they were calling an ambulance for you, but you could not hear much. A distinct buzzing in your ear was the last thing you heared before you lost consiouness.

As you awoken .... Or thats whats you presume .... You felt like you were floating.

It stayed this way for a while. Maybe you were dead and this was hell. Why else would it be so dark?! This floating like state lasted for....errrr.... Well you couldn't be sure. It was definitely enough time to drive you insane.

You couldn't move you body parts at first and you werent even sure you were looking at anything. It was an engulfing pitch black in this place. You were terrified, yet as more timed passed on it began to feel peaceful. However, that feeling of serenity didn't last because at one point in this confined space you started to gain the feeling of your body parts again.

Now it no longer felt like you were floating, but rather now you felt more like swimming in a warm gushy liquid. It was weird and gave you no idea as to what was happening to you.

That damn cat was at fault for all of this(whatever this was). If you hadn't been stupid and tried to saved the cat, then maybe you would be awake right now. It was so very fustrating not knowing wheather you were alive or dead...maybe even in a coma.

After even more time of staying in this place, you were beginning to feel trapped. This space that had once seemed so endless was now so confined and slimy. It was driving you up a wall! Literally. As you continued to regain feelings in your limbs you had started to feel a wall like structure around you.

Worse enough was that as much as you kicked and tugged, there was no escaping this prison. But being uncomfortable was the least of your worries right now, the more time you spent here affected your mental health.

You often thought about your situation and how you ended up in this spot. Did you do something in your life that brought this karma upon you? Were your family members worried about you? Did you really die without dating someone? And lastly, you always thought about that damn cat.

At first you blamed the cat for the unfortunate situation you were forced to endure, but after much reflecting you blamed yourself and the stupid truck driver. Truck-kun really took you out!💀

Suddenly the walls around you began to move. You were being squashed and seeing a chance of escape you started to wiggle around. Next thing you knew there was light. Hmm...maybe you weren't going to hell. It was liberating to finally escape that prison.

Just as sudden as the liberation had happen, cold air hit your face in a swiftly manner. You heard voices too! After soo much time of not having human interaction, you eagerly begain trying to look around. Much to your dismay, looking around proves to be fruitless since you were having a hard time opening your eyeballs. When you finally managed to look around, you were left startled.

Looking straight down at you was a strange women holding you. Wait....she was holding you?!?! Just at that moment it seem to hit you (just as strong as the truck hit you). You were a mere powerless baby and then finally you started to cry.

One moment you were alive and the next you weren't.... You cried even harder mourning your previous life and finally feeling relieved to some extent as you were free. Feeling more sad then ever you came to a conclusion: You were reborn. For what reason, you didn't know. You'll just have to wait and figure out the purpose of you being reincarnated.


Yo...what did yall think about the first chapter? In my opinion it was a bit slow and bland, but it was just the introduction after all. I might just rewrite it since the chapter isn't as descriptive as I intended it to be. Also I'm writing this on my phone, so autocorrect is being a b*tch.

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