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After a long crying session and the doctors passing you around like a basketball, you finally returned to the arms of the lady. Or well you should say you're new mother. As you studied her face more closely and could say she was beautiful. She had black hair, brown pensive eyes, and a sharp refined nose.

Although she was probably tired from just giving birth, her eyes held an estatic glem as well as .... Sadness?!?! Hmmmm maybe your new eyes were not working right yet. You were afterall incredubly sleepy after all that fiasco. Slowly and against your will you closed your eyes.


The whole stay at the hospital was short and quite. Only a few people came to visit your mother and you. Aside from the nurses a young women with long black hair and an old man came to visit. At first you were expecting your new dad to come but no such figure arose. (Ur fatherless was an assumption, but you couldn't quite know get.)

However, once you came were also greeted with silence. No body came to greet you at the front door as you had assumed. It was almost as if the house was in a state of stillness along with a feeling of greving overshadowing it.

As your mother started to go deeper into the house, you tried to stretch your neck and look around. It was as unsuccessful as when you tried to look around at the streets as you left the hospital. The only view was of the walls and ceiling. Then you felt like you were being put down.

It was soft and fluffy. Once again you were drifting slowly to sleep, but if you would've fought the sleepiness you would've noticed the singular tear that fell onto your face from your mother.


The first few 3 months of your birth were followed by the same routine: eat, sleep, cry when you needed changing. Otherwise you would just contently lay in your mothers arm without much a care. It's not like you could do much. For once in your life, just following this routine was boring and rather dull.

Not to mention, that you couldn't understand a single thing that your mother said. She was certainly not speaking in English, Spanish, or French. It sounded more like Korean or Japenese. Whatever language it was, you just knew one thing.

You were named Kuebiko.

At one point, during this bizarre situation, you went from being (y/n) (l/n) to Kuebiko #%*#. In a flash your death quickly became a new life.


After 3 months something finally changed. Someone came to visit. It was the old man that had come to the hospital beforehand. He was now adorning a white robe with a red and white hat. The hat has a weird symbol but it looked oddly familiar. Then it hit you. He was not any random old man that has come. You just DIDNT recognized him before because he had a different outfit.

It was the hokage of the hidden leaf village. You rebirthed into the narutoverse!!! Shit. Shit. Shit. Why was the hokage here in your house speaking with YOUR mother!?!? Was he actually your dad? You thought you had no dad since nobody had been at home when you first Came. What were they even talking about.

Ugh! You hated yourself for being utterly useless and not knowing the language. A thousand thoughts were running through your head.

Who were you? Who was your mom? How old is Naruto at this time? Why...just why were you rebirthed here?

Then you came to a conclusión. You were going to change the course of Narutos life. He deserved better and you now had the power to help.

Bahaha, who were you kidding? Trying to sound like a main character when you were basically a nobody in this world. There was a possibility that you could change the future, but knowledge was the only advantage you had so far. If you wanted change, then you would need the power to back it up. To have power you needed to become a shinobi. Becoming a shinobi, although made easy looking through a screen, was something that needed effort and time.

Before training you needed to learn the basics. You had to learn about the language, the traditions, and the people. First, it was necessary to tackle the language barrier. You learned a few phrases over the 3 months spent in this world. However, to fully learn Japanese it would take time. Time was the key. You would need patience to change this world, even if you only changed it a little bit.

Hey guys! What did yall think about the chapter? Is it easy to follow along or should i make some changes? I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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