
164 2 9

~Sunday 10:50pm~

* Shuichi's POV *

Shuichi- "Rejected..? And who is 'he'?"

Rantaro- "Hey uh.. let's talk outside okay?"

Shuichi- "Sure."

We went outside the dorm building, making sure to be extra quiet so we didn't wake anybody up. Rantaro seemed to calm down a little, but small tears still rolled down his cheeks, and tiny sniffles could still be heard every now and again.
After we were both successfully outside the building, we began our conversation again.

Shuichi- "So uh... What happened Rantaro? Why are you crying? What do you mean someone rejected you?" I asked.

Rantaro- "Well uh.."

Rantaro sighed and looked away.

Rantaro- "I asked out Korekiyo."

Shuichi- "O-oh.."

Rantaro- "Yep."

Shuichi- "I see.. so that's what you meant by "he rejected me"."

Rantaro- "Yeah.. He wasn't rude about it though. Just said we could still be friends. Atleast I still have that.."

Shuichi- "Okay.. I see now."


Shuichi- "Are you sure you're going to be okay though? It seems like that really must've stung.."

Rantaro- "Nah don't worry 'bout it, I'll cope."

Rantaro gave me a thumbs up and a somewhat reassuring smile. Or atleast tried to...

Shuichi- "Hey um... can I ask you something?"

Rantaro- "Sure Shuichi, shoot."

Shuichi- "Why did you come talk to me about this?"


Rantaro- " Well, I just thought you'd be the most understanding. That's all."

Shuichi- "Ah.. alright then.'


There was silence for quite a few seconds, but it was more of a comforting silence than an awkward one. After that, Rantato was the first one to speak.

Rantaro- "Hey. Thanks Shuichi."

Shuichi- "O-oh? What did I do?"

Rantaro- "Thanks for just bein' there for me. Even if you can't give me advice, you're there to listen. That's what I like about you, y'know."

I blushed a little and stood there a couple seconds, flustered by getting such a compliment. I'm only used to getting such praise from Kaede and Kaito, so this was new to me. Although, there was something a bit different this time. It felt even more amazing getting compliments from Rantaro than with Kaede or Kaito. This time it felt different, but I'm not sure why. Finally, I mustered the courage to speak up.

Shuichi- "Eheheh.. thank you Rantaro. You're a great friend."

I flashed him an awkward smile, and he chuckled a little. I'm glad I was able to make him feel just a bit better, even if it wasn't much.

Rantaro- "Well, we should probably get back to our dorms now. It's getting late."

Shuichi- "Ah, okay! See you around Rantaro!"

Rantaro- "See ya."

We gave each other a little smile and a quick wave as we both headed back into the dorm building and back into our assigned dorm rooms.
When I got back, Kokichi was sitting there, playing on his Nintendo switch in the dark of our bedroom. It didn't take long for him to notice me quietly sneaking back into the room. When he saw me, he gasped, got up, and ran toward me, leaving his game in the dust behind him.

Kokichi- "Shushu~!!!!!"

He jumped and latched onto me like a leech and didn't let go.

Shuichi- "Agh-! Kokichi! Please get off of me, I can't breathe."

Kokichi- "Awww okayyyy... I wouldn't want my beloved Shushu to die anyway!"

There he goes again, calling me "his beloved". Although by this point I should probably be used to it.

I glanced at the clock on our bedside table.


Shuichi- "H-hey! What are you doing up so late?? Go back to bed!"

Kokichi- "You're a big hypocrite Shuichi! Where have YOU been this whole time?? Leaving me all alone here and sneaking off! Hmmm...."

Kokichi gasped again.


I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

Shuichi- "Hey! Kokichi! Please stop being so loud, you'll wake somebody up!"

Kokichi- "Hmph. Well whatever~. I couldn't care less about you're "fun time" with other people. Hehe~."

Shuichi- "W-wha-! Kokichi!"

I sighed and just let it go.
I've already had quite a long night, and was very tired. I dragged my feet over to my bed and slipped off my slippers. After getting in bed, I whispered a goodnight to Kokichi before I went to sleep.

Shuichi- "Goodnight Kokichi."

Kokichi- "Night night Shushu~. Dream about me!"

And with that, today has come to an end.


Geez I forgot that I even made this >_<..

Sorry about that! This series will definitely be continued. Hope you liked this chapter!

Mk that's all byebye~!!

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