135 2 5

~Friday 3:56pm~
Deranged Highschoolers

* _FreakyAzzHoe_ has come online *


* Everyone has come online *
Debussys#1Fan: yes!! I can finally spend all of my time playing the piano!

^Nyeh^: im gonna be sleeping the whole time

TsmoogsClues~: not surprising

KAM2021: Yess! And I can take pictures of her while she sleeps! Himiko is soooo adorable when she sleeps 💖💕💕

♤☆LiteralClown☆♤: ewww stalker

KAM2021: shut up you degenerate male! I'll break into your dorm and smash your head off your body! >:((

♤☆LiteralClown☆♤: right.... anywayzzzz

♤☆LiteralClown☆♤: I'm gonna go play pranks on the people from other classes! Byebye!

* ♤☆LiteralClown☆♤ has gone offline *

420WhatchaSmokin?: hey Shuichi, can I talk to you in a separate chat?

×MrDetective×: Sure Rantaro

* ×MrDetective× and 420WhatchaSmokin? have gone offline *

_FreakyAzzHoe_: they're totally gonna fuck

AtuasBitch♡: miu!! Do not say such words :( Atua will *very* be upset

_FreakyAzzHoe_: Atua my ass :/

AtuasBitch♡: goodbye! I am going to continue praying to Atua :)

* AtuasBitch♡ has gone offline *

_FreakyAzzHoe_: whatever I'm gonna go too >://

* _FreakyAzzHoe_ has gone offline *

* Everyone has gone offline
Rantaro & Me

Hey so, what did you need to tell me?

420WhatchaSmokin?: Oh I was just wondering if ya wanted to hang out y'know?

Why didn't you just say so in the other chat?

420WhatchaSmokin?: nah, miu woulda said smthn about us fucking or sum

I just checked the group chat... she already did

420WhatchaSmokin?: dang

420WhatchaSmokin?: that girl is a ball of horniness that can never chill istg

Well.. I know she can be a bit over the top.. but she's just joking with us 😅

420WhatchaSmokin?: yeah yeah I know

420WhatchaSmokin?: anyway I was thinking maybe we could go grab some cookies & hot choco. together??

Sure! That sounds great :)

420WhatchaSmokin?: okay! let's go tmrrw at 2:30pm

420WhatchaSmokin?: sound good homie?

Alright sure homie ☺

* 420WhatchaSmokin? and ×MrDetective× have gone offline *


Sorry this chapter was kinda boring, but I swear next chapter will be much more exciting! Just be patient and things will start to get interesting :))

Alright buh-bye for now!

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