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~Saturday 2:30pm~

* Shuichi's POV *

Today is the day me and Rantaro are going to hang out! I couldn't get much sleep last night because of nervousness..since me and Rantaro have never really hung out before, but I'm also pretty excited about this! Since it's so cold, it'd be nice to get a warm drink, a snack, to go with it, and just sit and talk with him.

Anyway, I check the time on my phone to see if it's 2:30 yet.


Shuichi- "Oh! I better get going!"

I put on my jacket, gloves, and blue scarf and head out of the dorm building. I walk down to the nearest bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive.


When it arrives, I get on, and then get off again when I get to the Drinks & Go shop. When I get inside the shop, I don't see Rantaro, so I decide to order a couple cookies to snack on while I wait for him. I pick a table in the far corner of the shop, and sit there.


10 minutes later

I hear the bell on the front door of the shop jingle, and look up to see a boy with flowy green hair, and soft, kind eyes to match. Rantaro! I get up to go greet him, and when he sees me, he gives me a little wave and a cute smile. Wait...


No no no.. there's no way I think Rantaro is cute... I barely know him anyway! Agh whatever no time to stress over this right now.
Anyway, I lead him over to the table I was sitting at before, and attempt to start a conversation. Key word: attempt.

Shuichi- "So uh... how's your day?"

Rantaro- "It's great now that I'm hangin' here with you! Hahah."

He gives me a little wink, which makes me a bit flustered, so I attempt to slide into my scarf to hide my flushed face. Rantaro notices this and says:

Rantaro- "Hey, if you're gonna hang around me, you better get used to the compliments buddy."

Shuichi - "Ah.. alright then."

After that, we talk for a while about random things. Literally anything we could think of to keep the conversation going and avoid an awkward situation. But then, this topic came up.

Rantaro- "So...are there any girls in our classes you like?"

This question took me off guard, and I didn't know how respond for a few seconds.

Rantaro- "C'mon you can tell me! Or, are girls not your thing? Sorry, shouldn't have assumed, heheh!"

Shuichi- "N-no! I don't like anyone.."

Shuichi's Thoughts: Except maybe...them..

Shuichi- "Why do you ask anyways?"

Rantaro- "Well I was just curious, that's all."

Shuichi- "Alright then.."

After that, the conversation continued like normal. But.. the question still stays in my mind..

Do I like anyone?


My phone started ringing.

It was Kaito.

Shuichi- "Oh! Uh..-"

Rantaro- "It's alright, go ahead and answer it. I'll just be waiting here, okay?"

Shuichi- "Ah! Thank you Rantaro!"

Rantaro- "Sure, no problem."

He gave me a thumbs up and I got up to go outside and answer the call.

Kaito- "Hey Shuichi! Dude what took you so long!! I gotta tell you somethin'."

Shuichi- "Sorry Kaito, I'm hanging out with Rantaro right now so I couldn't answer right away."

Kaito- "Nahh it's okay! I'm just kiddin' with ya. Anyway, could you uhh.. go straight back to our dorm after your done with Rantaro?"

Shuichi- "Oh uh, sure!"

Kaito- "Great! See ya then dude!"

Shuichi- "Alright, bye."

I hit the end call button, and started back inside the shop. I wonder what Kaito wants to say? I wonder.

Anyway, Rantaro and me talk for a little bit longer, and then decide to call it a day and head back to the dorms.

Rantaro- "Would ya like to hop in my car and I can drive you back with me? It'll be faster than taking the bus."

I nod my head and we get in his car. I trust Rantaro, since I know for sure that he has his licence. Unlike someone I know...

* cough cough* Kokichi- * cough cough*

Anyway, we finally arrive back at the dorm building and go back to our assigned dorm rooms. I go straight back to my shared dorm with Kaito, like he told me to. When he heard me open the door, he gets up to go greet me.

Shuichi- "Can I get changed first before we talk?"

Kaito- "Sure dude, I'm not in a huge rush!"

I change into something more comfy, and go into the bedroom where Kaito is sitting. He looks nervous, and a bit flustered for some reason.. Eh, I'll worry about it if it becomes a problem.

Shuichi- "So uh.. what did you want to say?"

Kaito- "Well uh... I'm not so sure how to go about this but.."


Kaito- "Y'know what? I'll just be straightforward with you Shuichi."

Shuichi- "Hm..?"

Kaito- "I..."

He takes a deep breath...

Kaito- "* **** *** ******!"


Oh me oh my I wonder what he said 🙄...

Wait 'til next chapter to find out! Although, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone guessed it already.
This was a way longer chapter this time, let me know if you'd like the chapters to be longer (like this one) or shorter!

Alright, Author Echo signing out!

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