Chapter 39.

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Luz had teleported back home and entered "the room". "James." Luz called. Luz started laughing hardly to the extent that her stomach was paining her. "Oh Titan! People these days are really funny!" James was confused. "So, what happened when you went there?" James asked Luz. "Oh, I told Wilson that the vampire race is going to be destroyed. Guess what he said?" Luz started laughing again. "Luz, what is wrong with you!? You shouldn't have told him that!" James was shocked as Luz kept on laughing.

"Wait James. He said that he has a reputation that's good and he doesn't want it to be destroyed because of his relatives wanting to destroy the vampire race." Luz started laughing that she fell on the floor. "That! is the most funnies thing I've heard all day, James!" James started laughing a little with her. "All for a reputation? Wow." James said as Luz stood up and cleaned her tears of laughter. "Were you able to watch over Amity?" Luz asked James. "Yeah, she was still sleeping the last time I went there. When I entered your room, Abel was already gone." James replied to Luz. "Maybe he went to do something." Luz said and went upstairs. "Ugh, I'm kind of hungry." Luz looked outside and saw it was still raining.

When Luz opened her door, she saw Amity sitting down on Luz's bed. "Are you alright?" Amity looked at Luz who went closer to her. "Oh... I'm fine." Luz sat down beside Amity. "Abel told me that you were saying things while you were sleeping like wanting to talk to me." Luz said. Luz's phone was ringing and she immediately stood up to answer it. "Titan! Can't I just at least get a minute or two to talk to this cotton candy haired goddess!?" She thought in her mind and went outside her room. She saw it was Samantha and she immediately cut the call. She started calling again. She cut the call and she started calling again. She did the same and she started calling again. "Shit!" Luz picked the call. "What the hell do you want!?" Luz said to her phone. "Oh~ I didn't know you were doing something. I wanted to ask you if we could go out and talk after school tomorrow." Luz scattered her hair in frustration. Luz paused and started thinking. "Wait, if I can finally talk to Samantha, I can finally settle things out by doing that thing!" Luz smiled wickedly. "Of course!" Luz said happily. Samantha cut the call and she was overjoyed and started jubilating.

Luz rolled her eyes and went into her room. Luz heard a huge growl and saw that it came from both Amity and herself. "Guess we're both hungry, huh? I'll go wipe something up." Luz went downstairs and made some cupcakes. She also made herself some coffee, again and made tea for Amity. This took her exactly about 7 minutes. Luckily, everything came out well and she went upstairs. She was so tired, that she wanted to sleep but she knew very well that she had to do work. Work, work, work, coffee. That's what was basically on Luz's mind.

Luz entered the room and gave Amity everything and fell on the floor. "I'm so tired!" Luz whined on the floor. "Ah, cold cold floor. Thank you for making me so comfortable." Luz said which made Amity laugh. "How are you feeling now, Amity?" Luz asked. "I'm feeling better also, this tea tastes really nice!" Luz smiled. "I know right! I don't even remember the last time I took tea, I've always been taking coffee since I started something called work." Luz said to Amity and she started laughing. "Mind if i take a sip?" She nodded and carefully did so. "Isn't this an indirect kiss?" Amity shaked at the thought of that.

"Well, that was extremely bitter." Luz still had coffee to take so she had to brace herself to vomit later because she was taking black coffee, yes she didn't add anything into it. Luz took a cupcake and ate it, her eyes were shining. "Hey, this tastes really good! Aren't I just the best chef!" Luz kept on eating it and took her coffee along with it. "Yhup. Bitter indeed." Luz said. She set an alarm on her band without Amity knowing to tell her to wake up exactly it's 6:30 because at that time, it was 4:57. "I'm so tired!" Luz said.

"You're always tired, I usually read 20 or more books a day and I do my sisters and brother's chores. What do you even do that you always complain all the time?" Amity rolled her eyes and ate french toast. "Well, I don't mean to bore you but: I do a thousand plus of paperwork, I also need to try to not violate the three vampire rules, I have things to settle in my life that I have to control, I have school and also homework, I have to fulfill a particular duty as a vampire and many many more, Amity. That should be more than what you said." Amity was in shock that her mouth was wide opened. "Just how many things do you do in a day?" Amity asked Luz.

"Hmm... 1, 2, 3... 9 or 10 things?" Luz yawned and was dozing off. "Amity... If my alarm doesn't ring, please do wake me up when it's 6:30... Thanks." Luz started sleeping. "She looks so cute while she's sleeping." Amity said out loud and immediately slapped herself. "What am I thinking saying that! It's not that it isn't true, she does look cute... wait!" She thought in her mind.

"Doesn't she indeed." James shaked his head in agreement and started shaking his phone around. "Don't tell me..." James took a photo of both of them. "You recorded me and then also took a photo! What audacity!" Amity started chasing him around to collect his phone to delete everything. "Ughhhh." They both paused. "Is it 6:30 yet?" Luz felt like her head was bigger than her body. The worse thing just had to happen. She vomited. "Did she have drugs to take?" Amity asked James. "Oh no." Amity was confused. "What happened?" Luz was still tired and felt sleepy and wobbly.

"She hasn't been taking her drugs since her gave her the thing!" (The thing is the band that James gave Luz. That stopped her from coughing and vomiting blood. She would usually take some drugs to stop her from vomiting/coughing blood but after James had given her the band, she didn't experience those things again so therefore, she had stopped taking the drugs). James immediately went to go look for the drugs and found it and brought some water along with it. He rushed upstairs and gave Luz the drug and she started coughing. "Oh no, no, please. Not this again." James feared.

"Amity. I think you might want to go downstairs." James carried Luz and a blanket and teleported to the bathroom. She rushed to the bathroom to see what was going on. "No, I want to help!" Amity said. "Isn't things just jumping from one thing to another." James said and sighed. "You would seriously want to help with something like this?" James pointed at the toilet and Amity moved back. "W-why is i-it black!?" James shaked his head.

James knew everything that was going on with Luz but it wasn't the right time to tell her. "It's not the right time", "not now!", is what he would usually think but he told Amity a little of the truth. "Luz was born with a very serious heart problem." James rose up her shirt and Amity immediately closed her eyes because she wasn't ready to see "that". Amity looked at it and saw a huge scratch on Luz's chest. "Only Titan knows how she's still living to this very day. If a witch or a vampire, whether royal or normal had this, they would die the day they were born." James shaked his head in sadness.

Luz fell on the floor after she had already finished vomiting. He closed the toilet and flushed it and covered Luz with the blanket he had brought along with him because if they could touch Luz, they would see that she was cold. Normally, when vampires are sick, they are hot like human beings and witches but it depends on their sickness. In Luz's current condition, she's cold because of the heart condition she has.

"This is very sad. I never knew Luz was suffering like this and people still give her work to do. They should at least try to put themselves in her shoes." Amity said. "That's the thing, Amity. They don't want to because vampires have very wicked souls and they don't care about others, only themselves." James said in a low tone. "But Luz isn't like that!" Amity said. "Luz is a half human, half vampire. Trust me, you know nothing about this girl. If she was a pure vampire, she would be exactly like Alejandro but much more worse." Amity was shocked when she heard that. "W-worse?" Amity stuttered. "What am I saying, she would have died a long time ago if she was a pure vampire but what am I to say. I shouldn't be telling you all these stuff so that you won't be scared." James left the bathroom and Amity followed him.

"No, please. Tell me more about Luz."

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