Chapter 43.

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The Next Day...

"Ah!" Luz turned around to see Amity. "Awn, she looks so cute when she's sleeping." Luz took a photo of her and sent it to her. Luz stood up and went to go brush her teeth and have her bath. Immediately, she started calling the school's biggest gossip person, Britney.

She immediately picked up. "Hello Britney?" Luz said on the phone. "Hi Luz! How did you get my number by the way?" Britney asked. "That's another story. Can you help me out with something?" Luz and Britney kept on talking for some minutes and Luz eventually cut the call.  "Now, just to do some adjustments." Luz brought out her laptop and made a video. She made a fake e-mail to the principal and made it that the "principal" had replied to it saying yes.

When Luz was still making the video, Amity woke up. "What are you doing?" Amity rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Good morning to you too and I'm doing some work." Amity went closer to see what she was doing. "I'm making a video, Amity." Luz looked at her and said. "Go have your bath, I won't take time." Luz yawned and Amity stood up and took her school uniform from her bag.

Luz called Samantha and she immediately picked. "I already did something involving the depletion of the vampire race." Luz said, getting straight to the point. "Good, I'll also stay away from Amity and from other people you treasure." Luz rolled her eyes. "If you try shit, I'll do the same to you." Luz cut the call and transferred the video to her phone. Luz made a contact that no one knew and added it to the group that involved school news and all that. Luz used the fake contact to make an announcement. "If you are coming to school today, please do check the billboard. Thank you." Luz left the contact incase of anything that might happen next, but little did she know that something will happen to her.

Luz called Doris and she picked. "H-h-hello Luz!" Dorcas stuttered on the phone with her little voice. "You little innocent girl! Good morning, Dorcas." Luz said on the phone. "Sorry if I'm taking your time but could you go to a place where no one can hear you?" Dorcas gulped and did as she said. "Now, can we make a deal?" Dorcas kept on listening. "Everything I'm telling you here shouldn't be mentioned to anyone, especially Doris." Luz said in a deep voice. "I know you don't want to be part of your family's plan at all and that Doris has been commanding you to do a lot of things that are evil, am I correct?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, you're right." Dorcas said in a sad tone. "I'm so sorry. I can help you out." Luz said as Dorcas kept on listening, even more interested in what she was about to say. "What about this? I'll help you to face your sister and you can leave them in the plan of the depletion of the vampire race and be part of my own team?" Luz asked. "Yes!" Luz was like a charmer. When she would make a deal with someone, he/she would answer yes immediately without thinking. "Thanks, I won't disappoint. There's a bind now." Luz said to Dorcas and ended the phone call.

Luz summoned James and he immediately replied. "Are you ready for school?" James nodded. Amity came out and she was wearing her school uniform. Amity and Luz went downstairs and saw some food on the table. "Oh, there's a note. It says: Dear Master Luz and Madam Amity, I know Luz might be reading this so I made your breakfast. I was sent on an errand from your mother and will come back very soon. Sincerely, Butler Abel." Amity went to look at it. "Hey, his handwriting is really nice!" Luz said and went to write something too, thanking him for the food.

There were actually 4 meals on the table for Luz, Amity, Alejandro and James. The three apart of Alejandro digged in and went outside. Alejandro came out and ate his own food and also went outside. They had all entered Luz's car and Luz had drove to school.

Some Minutes Later...

At last, they were finally at school. They were hearing everyone saying happy new year to each other. Immediately Luz came out, people started snatching her and wishing her a new year. A lot of people even gave her some gifts. At that time, someone took Amity away and neither James, Alejandro nor Luz had seen it happen. Some minutes later, Luz was finally able to escape that place. "Hey, where's Amity?" Luz asked as she was breathing heavily.

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