Chapter 5 - New Experiences

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-New Experiences-

The rest of the baking process was a little awkward after that. I mean, we were within kissing distance, and I broke it so abruptly that there was no way to comfortably move on from that. We still were talking and having fun, but the tone had just shifted quite a bit.

We decided we were going to watch a movie, so I put a bunch of cookies on a plate and brought them to the living room. I put them down on the table, and flopped down on the couch, cookie in hand. I grabbed the remote and started eating my cookie. George came over, and sat down right next to me. A little bit closer than where a friend would sit, I'd say.

Earlier in the day I had found out George had never seen Emperor's New Groove, so I decided to force him to watch it. While watching, we laughed, and had some funny side conversations about how he reminded me of the llama. But I had forgotten how tired I was from work and last night, so I didn't make it very far into the movie before falling asleep.

I woke up to a hand on my shoulder lightly shaking me and George softly saying my name. I was really comfortable and warm, and I really did not want to move. I opened my eyes slightly, only to realize that the movie had ended. I then realized that my head was in George's lap. Fuck. I can't believe sleep deprived me did that. I immediately jolted up, and started profusely apologizing.

"I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to do-" I covered my face with my hands. "Oh god, I didn't even know I did that-" I was blushing so hard. He lightly laughed and said,

"Hey, hey, relax. It's no big deal. I didn't mind."

I gave him an extremely apologetic look. He responded with a reassuring smile. I let out a loud sigh, which he laughed at.

"I really didn't mind. Trust me," he said, making eye contact with me. I still looked unsettled, so he changed the subject.

"That movie was interesting, to say the least." We both laughed, before he started again. "It reminded me of you, actually." I gave him a puzzled look before saying,

"Oh yeah? How so?" He laughed then said,

"Both stupid." He continued laughing while I sat there with my mouth open and a smile creeping onto my face. I reached over and punched him again, and this time, he punched me back. I smiled at him.

"So did you at least like the movie then?" I asked.

"I never said I didn't like it, it's just stupid. Like you." I hummed at his response as I got up to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"I actually really liked it," he said, more quietly than before. My face flushed as I was filling my cup. To ease whatever tension he unintentionally just created, I decided I needed to say something.

"Want some water?"

"I'm okay, thanks though. I actually have to go, because, uh, Clay's mum is coming over for dinner and Clay wants me to meet her for, uh, for the first time." I laughed, because I had the perfect response for him. 

"Ah, I see. You've gotta meet the boyfriend's parents for the first time. I know how that goes."

He gave me a fake death stare and rolled his eyes at me as I laughed. "Alright then, get outta here! Go! You obviously don't like me and never wanna see me again! Leave!" I jokingly said while turning my head away from him. But to my surprise, he responded in a tone that I was really not expecting.

"Actually, um-well I was thinking- and uh- well Clay is having this party tomorrow- well he said it was a kickback and at first I didn't know what that was- because it's some American slang thing, but he said it was like a small party with a few people, and he told me to invite someone, and well I don't really know anyone- uh-" I feel my heart start beating faster with excitement as he continued to speak. "I was hoping you'd want to come." I sat and stared at him with a smile. He looked sort of nervous. 

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