Chapter 1 🥀

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"Hi there! What's your name?" Questioned by a H/C girl. "Its Lily what about you?" The said female asked."My name's Y/N nice to meet you Lily!"

A 6 year old girl giggled slightly by the thought of making a new friend."Nice to meet you too Y/N, Say wanna eat with me? The H/C female thought of it for a good 10 seconds and replied with happiness radiating from her. "Okay then lets go, lets go!"

The two females walked around the garden as Lily abruptly stopped causing the H/C girl to turned around, confusion written on her face.
"What's wrong Lily?" Asked Y/N. Lily turned and pointed at a  garden  with beautiful sakura trees surrounding it.

 Lily turned and pointed at a  garden  with beautiful sakura trees surrounding it

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"There,lets eat there!" Lily said. "Waah!! How cute!♡" The H/C female said amazed by the garden and the trees surrounding it.

Once they got there Lily and Y/N set up there picnic area which consisted of a white and pastel pink blanket layed out on the floor.

Y/N brought a F/C colored basket with sweets such as candy, chocolate, caramel, marshmallows, donuts and Homemade Sakura Mochi made by Y/N with the help of her mother.

Lily brought a basket decorated with sky blue bows on each end and a blanket with a blue and white checkered pattern. Inside the basket was butter cookies and some with strawberry and blueberry icing on top. She also brought strawberry milk in a carton.

The two children ate and chatted happily content with each other's presence.

It is currently 5:59 pm, the latter exchanged goodbyes and went to their home.

It is currently 5:59 pm, the latter exchanged goodbyes and went to their home

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"Mom im home!" Shouted Y/N. "Ah, hello there honey how was your day?" M/N asked. "It was great I made a new friend her names Lily!".

"That's good darling, would you like to invite her here?" Y/N thought about it for a while before coming to a conclusion that she will ask her friend tomorrow.

9: 00 pm

Y/N then went to her bedroom and got into her pj's, she  tucked herself in and let herself drift off to sleep.

                                                                               364 words

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