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Albus quitly sprang out of his window and landed in the soft grass in the backyard. He was doing that many times before so it became a routine to go to the tree, where he met Gellert.

But this time nobody came. After Albus waited several minutes, he decided to go to Gellerts house. "What happend, that Gel isn't showing up?", he tought nervously.

Quickly he was climbing up the facade of his best friends house. The window was open, and some candle light was shining in his room. Albus quitly got inside and freezed.

Gellert was lying on his bed, his pants open and his right hand... Albus couldn't get his eyes off. Gellert didn't seem like he noticed Albus, he was still jerking off. He groaned, then his movements suddendly became jerky. While he was cumming, he yelled out Albus name.

Albus had started jerking off, and now he he got out of the shadow, looking hungrily at Gellert, who stared at his best friend. "Wha- What the...?" he whispered. Then his gaze flew to his hips. His eyes became wide and his pupills grew. "Albus", he said in a calm voice.

The young wizard looked surprised in the taller boys eyes, when he stood up and kneed down in front of him. He could see, that Gellerts cock was hard again. Suddendly the lips of his friend touched his cock.

Now both were laying on Gellerts bed. "Ready?" the blond wizard asked. Albus nodded. He took a deep breath and bit on his lip, while his friend slowly got inside him. "I'm so sorry. I know it hurts. It'll get better, I promise."

Albus clear blue eyes looked up to him. "It's okay", he said "don't stop." After a while the pain stopped and turned into... something lustful. Albus tried to move his hips and groaned. Gellert grinned and began softy to bumb in him. Both groaned loudly, then you only could hear faint gasps. Then Gellerts bumps were getting uncrontrolled. Suddendly Albus yelled and cum with Gellerts name on his lips. His muscles were pulsing around the olders cock. That was too much for him. He fell down on Albus' chest and pumping his cum inside him.

They looked at each others eyes, not able to say something. Then in a deep voice Albus said: "I- I love you Gellert." Instead on an answer Gellert pressed his lips on Albus. "I love you too.", he murmured into the kiss.


I know. My english is as bad as the one of a german 8th grader. Surprise: I am a german 8th grader. And a girl. And writing english gay smut oneshot fanfiction stories. Well. Don't like it, don't read it. I'm sorry for my grammar and my vocabs.

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