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Albus Dumbledore visits Gellert Grindelwald in Askaban, two years after their final fight.



lashback: a half year after the fight

I wake up. I dreamed again. That dream. Al. We are young again and sitting under our tree. In Godrics Hollow. He kisses me and says, that he loves me. I wish so hard, that it was reality. But it isn't. He never loved me. He hates me. I- I killed his sister. I know, how much he loved her and I was never meant to kill her. I wanted to kill Aberforth. What doesn't make it better.
Flashback end

I wish, I could be already dead. But the Dementors kinda feel it, and they are leaving me alone. But everytime I cry they are coming. At the beginning in this prison, I cried often. I'm weak, I'm not a man anymore. I'm broken. But not by the Dementors or the fact, that I'm lonely until I die. I was broken by my guilt. Because after about one year here, I began to realize, what I have done. I killed Muggels. It must have broken Al's heart. We promised each other, not to kill anyone.

But to be honest, what we said never came true. We swore by our blood not to fight each other. Failed. We promised not to injure anybody. Failed. I said, I will love him forever. Fai- "You still love him", a tiny voice whisperes in my head. "No", I think "I don't love him anymore. I-" I still love him. And there was one thing, he said right after he defeated me...

I looked up, not believing what my eyes see. Al is standing right in front of the my room.
"You came"
"Of course! I didn't forget my promise, I just hadn't enough time and-"
"You didn't want to come here, right?", I interrupted him.
"I wasn't ready to see you in real li- Er... I mean..."
"You looked at old photos?"
"Er... Well... Yes. Yes, old photos, ecactly", he said blushing.
"The mirrow...", I whisper. I stared at him. Could it be possible that...? No! I musn't think that. It'll just injure me more.

"Gel... I- I have never stopped loving you. I wanted to ignore it, but..."
"...the memories were coming back. You dreamed of us, sitting under that tree. Kissing. I wish it was true", I finished his sentence. "Please. Gel come with me. Let's live a live as Muggels. No magic. Thus way the Ministry won't find us. Give up your magic, if you really love me"

"We can't. Haven't you seen how they treat people like us? Same-sex loves are forbidden"
"We can live as friends. Nobody will know."
I go to the grating rods, now standing right in front of him. I loooked deep in his eyes.
"Get me out here and I will do everything you want. Under one condition"
He nodded.
"Everything you want"
"Kiss me"
He did.

Gellert Grindelwald disappeared from Askaban!
Albus Dumbledore is still missing.


Now, two years later I still didn't regret my decision. Gel said, he was sorry what he has done. That was good. His opinion about muggles has changed. That was good either.

And he wanted to marry me.


After all those years you could possibly think I got tired of kissing him, but that wasn't true. When our lips met, my brain dissapeared. His hands were everywhere on my body. It was like our first kiss.
Well, maybe not like our first. But like our second, third, fifteenth, thirtyth... It was all the same. Instead of blood, there was fire going trough my veins. My braincells burnt down. And-

"Oh, fuck!"
"What? You like it, don't you"
"I do. And that's the problem: You know I'm getting hard, when we french kiss."
He grinned "Maybe that's what I want"
I gasped "Gel, you-"
But he interupted me with another kiss. His hand slid slowly down, and down, and down...
"Don't you think we should go in the bedroom for that?", I asked.
He moaned. "Everything you want... One condition"
"A kiss?", i grinned.
"Marry me"
I stared at him. Shocked.
"We- we can't"
"Do you want to marry me?"
"Then marry me"
"You know... The law isn't allowung that"
"Well, then we wait 'till it's legal. Or we marry in our own ceremony. Without any laws. Just the two of us"
I looked at him.
"Okay, but let's talk about that later... First I want to..."
I kneed down and looked in his eyes while I was slowly opening his trousers...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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