Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, but hopefully we will be able to update more regularly now! 

For those of you who don't know, we will also be publishing this series on Kindle! Since we started writing this almost ten years ago, our writing has improved massively - one of us is even a professional writer! We've given our stories a well-deserved revamp and we'd love to share them with you! If you'd like a copy of the first book, which is releasing on the 31st of Janurary 2022, you can now order it from the link in our profile! It will also be free to anyone with Kindle Unlimited!

The original stories will remain here on Wattpad for free, but we'd love if you supported our new venture! Writing is such a passion for us both and if we manage to sell enough copies, then we'll be able to have more time to write and make a living from it! Anything you can do helps: helping share the books around, voting and commenting on these stories, and downloading copies of the published version! Reviews are also super important so if anyone would like a free copy of the manuscript in exchange for a review on Goodreads and Amazon, then don't hesitate to message us! 

You can also keep up with our journey via social media...for more Apocalypse information, follow @handerton96 on Instagram and Twitter! 

Thank you for your continued support...we wouldn't have made it this far without any of you guys! Enjoy the old content and the new, we're not going anywhere!

- Hayley and Laura xxx

Erin found herself returning to see Tomas for the third time in an hour. She didn't have any reason to be close to him, really. She knew that every second she wasted keeping an eye on him was keeping her away from her research. How was she supposed to save the world if she was distracted?

But how could she ignore the fact that history was repeating itself? She remembered how hopeless Quinn had seemed to her. Russell had made her deliver the killing blow to him when she fed him rotter meat. He had seemed like a nice kid. She wasn't the best at social interaction, but she could tell the difference between good and bad. She just often tried to ignore the distinction between the two. It made her work easier.

She needed test subjects, sure. She knew there had to be sacrifices for the sake of progress. But did it have to be a guy like Tomas? A guy who seemed like he made people smile when he entered a room. The kind of boy who put others before himself.

The kind of kid who didn't deserve to be used as a sacrificial test subject.

Look at yourself. Making up a sob story for him in your head, Erin scolded herself. She peered into the room where he was being held once again, her heart racing with discomfort. She was torn between her duty and her humanity.

She'd never quite forgiven herself for what happened to Quinn, and she knew deep down that it wasn't her fault that time. But this time, she was staring reality in the face. If she did nothing, Tomas would die. If she decided to go ahead and experiment on him, then she was morally corrupt. But if she didn't, she would never progress with her research. She pressed her back against the wall, breathing hard.

She was just a kid. She knew that, deep down. But she was an extraordinary one at that. She'd always been told so. She was the sort of kid that was always collecting special awards in assembly, always being shooed to the classes with the best students, always being offered extra opportunities because of her excellence. If her Mum could see her now, she'd push her to put her brain to work. After all, the world was running out of time. Leaving it to adults to solve the crisis they were in clearly hadn't worked.

If she didn't save the world, who would?

The ride back from the supermarket was quiet. Hayley sniffed in the backseat and Rori wished he had time to stop and comfort her. But they needed to get back to the farm as soon as possible to discuss the possibility of tracking Megan down. They'd already left the trail for a long time, and if they left it too long, it would go cold. Rori knew that it was possible Megan was already dead, but for Hayley's sake, he had to hope they might still be able to save her. He knew Hayley well enough to know that she was always balanced somewhere between being sound of mind and becoming unhinged. Sometimes she seemed like she was thriving in the lawless world, but if Megan was lost to them, he dreaded to think what it would mean for Hayley.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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