Chapter One

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Megan's head was spinning as she opened her eyes. It took her a moment to realize she was staring up at a blanket of blue sky. It seemed wrong after the months of wishing for better weather in the midst of winter. Was she dead? Was this some kind of heavenly scenario?

No. When she tried to sit up, a rush of pain hit her. The dizziness sent her collapsing backwards and her head hit something hard and wooden. She heard someone gasp as though the pain had shot through them too.

"Be careful! You're meant to be resting," a gentle voice said. It wasn't one Megan recognised, and yet she felt oddly comforted by it. Where she was, at least she wasn't alone. Megan moved her hand to rest over her heart. A steady beat met her fingertips. She was alive.

"Who are you?" Megan asked. The question sounded harsh, but after all they'd been through, she couldn't afford to let her guard down. Not yet. 

There was a dull throb in her shoulder. Megan shifted to make herself comfortable. When she turned back, she jumped. A curious face was peering over at her. A pretty young woman with dark hair eyes and dark hair smiled down at her. It was a kind smile, and Megan felt a warn, jittery feeling in her stomach.

"My name is Jenny. I found you back at the supermarket...I was there looking for supplies and I heard the gunshot. This is why we don't tend to venture out this far..."

"This far? How far have we come?" Megan tilted her head so she could see where she was. When her eyes fell on the building across from the courtyard, she stared in amazement.

Conwy Castle was standing proud as ever, nestled in a thin blanket of snow. Megan had visited with her parents and sister as child, on school trips and family holidays. She'd never expected to see it again.

"We're miles from where you found me! Hundreds of miles!"

"I'm sorry..." Jenny suddenly looked disheartened. "I didn't know what else to do...I didn't want to just leave you there. I saw other cars leaving the supermarket, but I didn't know if they were your friends or not...I didn't think that was a risk worth taking."

Megan couldn't believe what was happening to her. Not only had she been shot down by Russell and his cronies, she was now miles from anywhere and everything she knew, with a complete stranger. Any other time she would've been keen for a guided tour of the castle, but anxiety and fury gnawed at her.

"You have to take me back where I came from."

Jenny blushed. "I can't. I'm sorry. We've run out of petrol for the car."

"So we'll find some more!"

"It's not safe for you to travel right now," Jenny said gently. "I only got to patch you up a little before I brought you here. You can come inside and get proper treatment, but my friends won't let you in until they know they can trust you."

"I didn't ask to come here!" Megan argued shrilly.

"I'm really sorry," Jenny mumbled, looking embarrassed. "But I couldn't just let you die. I thought I was doing the right thing."

Megan's face softened. She knew she should be grateful. A total stranger had saved her life, and here she was acting like a brat. She sighed, realised for the first time how cold she was. The wooden table she was lying on was in the middle of an abandoned car park. There was no shelter from the freezing weather. Her teeth began to chatter.

"Will your friends let me in now that I'm awake?"

Jenny shrugged timidly. "I have no idea. We're going to meet at our rendezvous point. There's a pub across the street where we interview newcomers."

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