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A/N: I don't own glee

Santana's pov


The bell rang and since the next period is 5th period we have lunch. I got out of my seat and so did Britt.

"Wait, Santana, we set up my locker first? It won't take long. I promise I just need help." She said.

I smiled "yeah totally."

We went to Britt's locker. She had me open her locker because she still has a hard time opening her locker. I also taught her how to open it on her own. It took me forever to figure it out in middle school.

Britt pulled out some photographs from her backpack and brought out a pack of tape along with locker mirrors/wipe boards. I pulled out a picture out of the pile to tape to her locker and said, "Oh is this your cat um Lord..wait I know it, don't tell me. Lord Tubbington?" I remembered her talking about her cat.

She had weird stories that make absolutely no sense like the cat was smoking or something.

Brittany's pov


Before lunch Santana agreed to help me decorate my new locker. She looked at a picture of Lord Tubbington and to my surprise she remembered his name. Usually people laugh at me or call me stupid if I talk about how crazy Lord Tubbington is. But most of the time people pretend they are listening but don't. Santana did.

"You remember? It's just that usually people don't listen to me when I talk about Lord Tubbington...Or anything. Sorry I'm probably annoying you with all of my troubles at my old school and stuff." I looked down.

She linked her left pinky with my right pinky and she used her other hand to lift my chin so I'd look up at her. We were staring into each other's eyes. Her chocolate brown eyes are beautiful, I could look into them forever. I could look into her eyes and tell that she's not mean.

Santana smiled and said, "Of course I remember. Look, those people who didn't listen to you are complete idiots, I've known you for a few hours and I love your stories. You're not annoying me at all. Talk to me, whatever you want to get off your mind tell me. I'll listen. Now I seem like the annoying one and I don't give pep-talks, so don't get too used to it. Haha."

Her laugh was so cute, almost like a giggle.

There was a picture of me and my old friend named Ashley. I taped it up. Honestly Ashley hasn't really talked to me since the move and she didn't even say goodbye to me when I was about to leave. I don't know why I taped it up, but I did.

"Oh, is this your friend? What's her name?" Santana asked.

"Ashley, she was my friend but now I don't know. I didn't have many friends so she was one of the few. She hasn't talked to me in a while but whatever." I shrugged.

Santana's pov


We were putting up pictures and decorating Brittany's locker.

There was a picture of Brittany and a taller redhead. I'm guessing it's a picture of Brittany and her friend from her old school, or something like that.

I asked her and she replied with, "Ashley, she was my friend but now I don't know. I didn't have many friends so she was one of the few. She hasn't talked to me in a while but whatever."

That's rude to poor Brittany. She is the nicest and purest human on the planet. I've known her for less than a day but yet I feel something.


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