Slushies and Secrets

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A/N: I've made it clear, I don't own glee

1 week later


Santana's POV


I was with Puck, Quinn, and Finn by Quinn's locker.

Puck and I finished making out in the hallway. So gross, he clearly doesn't brush his teeth because his breath is so bad. We aren't dating or anything, it's for show and status. The school runs on status, I also hate Cheerios but if I'm not a Cheerio I'm nothing.

I wasn't listening to their conversions just staring at Britt. The warning bell rang which broke me out of my gaze and I walked over to my locker. "Hey Britt Britt!" I went up to her happily.

"Hey." She replied in a sad voice. Huh Britt is always happy.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"It's my first week at school and I failed so many tests. I'm so bad at Spanish I might be taken out of that class, and you're in it." She said.

I'm fluent in Spanish, I've been fluent since I was like 5. I needed to help her, we sat next to each other, "I'm fluent in Spanish. I could help you...if you want." I said.

She was thrilled and said yes.

She's going to my house after school. No friend has been to my house in a really long time.

I saw Rick 'The Stick' Nelson coming towards Brittany with a slushie. Oh no please no. I took her hand and we ran through the hallway but the hockey player caught her from behind. But I got hit too.

I went all Snix on him until the bell rang. Snix is my alter ego that comes out when I get angry.

Although we had math first period, both of us missed it and got cleaned up.

Both Brittany and I went to our lockers and I got an extra Cheerio Uniform. Brittany didn't have anything, "Hey do you have extra clothes? Everyone has extra clothes in case they get slushied."

Brittany's pov


I got slushied ugh. I am surprised I lasted a week though.

Santana went all Lima Heights on him, at least that's what she calls it. She lives in a part of Lima called Lima Heights, which apparently is the bad side of town.

Before we got to the bathroom to clean off she went to her locker to get clothes. I didn't have any, didn't think I needed to. Santana looked at me and said, "Hey do you have extra clothes? Everyone has extra clothes in case they get slushied." I replied saying no.

"Here I have another outfit. If you want it I'm sure it would somewhat fit. The outfit you're wearing right now is gonna be uncomfortable and wet for the rest of the day. Although it's a cute outfit. Do ya want another outfit?" She asked. I happily accepted it, thank goodness I would hate wearing the slushie outfit all day.

She gave me jeans and an orange, pinkish shirt. Almost a blouse. It was such a cute outfit. Pandas are cute.

We walked to the bathroom together.

Although we were in math we told the teacher we had to clean off and she gave us a hall pass.

There were cloths that we used to wash up.

I was almost done washing off and ready to change before Santana said, "You still have some on your face."

I tried to wipe it off but it didn't come off. I even looked in the mirror. "If you're okay with it, can you wash it off? Please." I really need to get the sticky juice off.

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