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A/N: I don't own glee. Next chapter is really long and this is kinda short




Brittany's pov


I'm going to see Santana today. I'm excited but scared.

 I called and texted her so many times. She read my texts and denied my calls or left it to voicemail. I sent a bunch of voicemails. I even went to her house and knocked on the door. She'd look out the window and walk away, leaving me on her front porch. 

Today is a new day and hopefully she talks to me. I was actually excited to go to school and see her. She can't hide from me there. 

I drove to school and saw her by the lockers.

 "Hi!" I exclaimed. 

"Hi." She said in a low voice not looking at me. 

"Can we talk about the kiss? That I loved." I whispered.

 She looked down and closed her locker.

 "O-Okay...Let's talk here though." She said, taking my hand and pulling me into an empty classroom. 

She locked the door. "I don't know what to say, other than I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me." She told me. She was shaking.

 I put my hands on her shoulders to calm her down and said, "Santana, I loved that. Best kiss ever." I looked at her in the eyes then let go of her shoulders. 

She gave a smile still having her lips together. "Britt...I have feelings for you. I like you, as more than a friend. Like I felt something for you when I first saw you but as I got to know you I realized that I truly have the biggest crush on you. When we sang that song in my basement and you changed the words, I can't even explain how I was feeling. Um...I wanna be with you. But I'm scared of dealing with all the consequences, like the looks and talks especially behind my back. You know what happens to Kurt at this school, I don't want it happening to us. You or Me. But I just need to accept that I wanna be with you. You, not Puck or Finn or any of those other guys, I just want you." Santana confessed to me and looked down at the floor.

Omg Omg YES!!!!!!! 

"Santana...Oh my gosh! I want you too! I have had feelings for you ever since I laid eyes on you, on my first day of school. And then I developed even more once I realized how amazing you are. And the same thing happened to me when we sang that song. Are we together?" I confessed. I really really wanna be with her. Please say yes. 

"Can we just keep our friendship right now. I'm sorry. I just needed to tell you. But I promise that one day I'll make sure that we'd be more than friends." She told me. Ugh. 

"Okay I guess." I replied kinda sad. She hugged me for a while then let go. 

We walked back to the lockers and school started.

 "I hated not speaking to you." I told her. 

"Same. Oh I forgot to say I'm sorry for not answering. Too many thoughts." She replied. 

"It's completely fine..." I started. 

I had to ask the question, "San, do you like girls? Gay? Or something else?" I needed to know. I whispered the question. 

"Yeah, I'm a lesbian." She replied whispering.

 I hugged her again. 

I told her that I think I'm bi. Girls are my number 1 though. 

A/N: Short but sweet ig. 

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