Home and Careers

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A/N: Do I still need to say it? I don't own glee

1 week later


Brittany's POV


Finally about time my schedule was finalized. It's Wednesday. I had 2 study halls because they didn't have a period 4 class for me. Now I have something called home and careers. It was a class at my old school but it never showed up on my schedule. I went through my day like normal. 

I had 3rd period Spanish with Santana and obviously we sit together, so before Mr. Shue came into the classroom, we talked. 

"Hey, will you ever get a 4th period class?" Santana asked. 

"Oh I completely forgot to tell you I FINALLY got my schedule today and I have home and careers. I don't know that much about it at all. I don't know much about penguins." I said. I really don't know much about penguins. 

Santana jumped up and as a joke I lifted up my hands like I was pulled over. 

"I love that class! It's so fun and my favorite. Also it's my 4th period class!" She exclaimed. 

"Wait really?" I asked that way so I would know if she was joking or not. 

"Yes, oh my gosh it's so fun! Amazing. We learn skills for life. Like writing checks, using a washing machine and dryer, so much stuff. Those seem boring but for the next 2 semesters we're baking and cooking." She told me. 

I love baking and cooking. "YES! What are we making?"

 "Um, I think cupcakes or banana bread." 

"Yay I love both. Cupcakes a bit more but I love banana bread too." I replied happily.

 "It's so much fun!" She said. I laughed. 

We talked about all types of stuff and laughed. 

Since there were so many people talking, no one really heard us. 

Mr. Schue walked into the room and class started. "Alright we are starting our new chapter, clothing." He said. I was impressed he came right at the bell. 

Although Santana was helping me I still need to focus and do somewhat good in class. My highest grade so far was a C-. I'm failing all my classes. 

I tried to focus but after 5 minutes I found myself staring at my best friend. She didn't notice though. 

Santana looked incredibly tired probably cause she knew everything we were learning about. She is actually the best person in the whole world. And for sure the most beautiful person in the world.


 After class we stopped at the lockers to put our stuff away. I'm really proud, I figured out how to open my locker. We both put our backpack in our lockers since we didn't need books or anything for home and careers. 

There were 3 tables, about 4 students per table. Ugh Quinn is in this class. She hates me, I guess because she thinks if she is friends with the co-head cheerleader aka San who is best friends with me, it would drop her (Quinn) status. 

I'm not unpopular or anything, everyone knows me and stuff. Santana's status isn't going down. 

This is my second class with Quinn and the other was study hall (I had 2 so it was my other one.) 

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