the one where she stands for the valedictorian position

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Lydia Martin marched down the hallways after school, with Stiles Stilinski and Elyna Benston trailing behind her.

“Why would I have to go to a group study?” She threw a look at the buzz cut boy.

“Because you are smart, Lydia.” Stiles tried to reason with the strawberry blond. “Please, help us to pass this exam. You’ve seen how Coach told it would be difficult.”

Lydia hummed and looked the brunette who gave her a tight lipped smile. “Why do you need a study group, El? You are so smart, you have probably done with the chapters.”

Elyna blushed at the compliment. “Well, I want to make sure that I study extra hard so that I can complete with you for the valedictorian position. I won’t make it easy for you.”

Lydia grinned. She really liked the fact that Elyna openly accepted herself to be smart enough to try for the valedictorian position and Lydia would love to compete with someone like her.

“Now that we have made things clear,” Stiles but in impatiently, “can we go now?”

They again started to walk out of the school and to the parking area for Stiles’ jeep. Lydia’s steps again faltered as another question popped in her mind. “Why don’t we have the study group in the library?”

Stiles sighed in frustration, “Too bad, too late.”


“Lydia, shut up and walk.” Jackson grabbed the girl by her forearm and dragged her out of the school. Elyna glared at the back of Lydia’s ex-boyfriend for manhandling her but didn’t say anything.

Allison was already waiting for them by Stiles’ baby blue jeep.
They all piled up and Stiles quickly drove away.

About a few minutes later, they stopped in front of the McCall household. Allison had told everyone that Scott’s mom was a nurse and would have her shift at the hospital at that time so they had the whole house to themselves.

Elyna was the first one to get out of the jeep and help Lydia to walk up the driveway, to the porch.

“If we are studying in Scott’s house then where is he?” Lydia asked.

“He’ll be meeting soon.” The Hunter said, nervously looking around for Derek or his pack members.

Stiles was the one who fished out the house key from his pocket and unlock the main door, letting everyone in.
He didn’t miss Elyna’s judgemental look or a small ‘of course’ that she mumbled under her breath when he took out the key.

Elyna expected Stiles to have a copy of the key to Scott's house, and that it would not be given to him by either Scott or his mother.

As soon as they were inside, Stiles turned around and locked all the three locks on the door. He drew the curtains in of the windows on the either side of the door.

Lydia raised her eyebrows at the hyperactive boy.

“Uh..” Stiles stalled, “there had been a few break-ins in the neighbourhood.”

He spotted and wooden chair and grabbed it, quickly wedging it under the door’s handle.

Elyna bit her tongue to refrain herself from screaming at Stiles how completely obvious he was being.
Lydia wasn’t stupid. She would figure it out.

However, Elyna reminded herself that she was in no position to say or suggest anything that Scott’s pack did.
She was only here to make sure that Lydia survived the night somehow.

“And a murder,” Stiles lied, causing Jackson to sigh and rub his temples, “yeah, it was bad.”

They stood in awkward silence for a few moments before Allison gave Elyna a look.

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