the one where they binge watch the series

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Aldrich Benston balanced the blood bags in his hand and knocked on the door to Elyna’s room and entered.
He saw his sister already in her pyjamas, her hair hanging down her shoulders in loose waves while she stood in front of her crime board.

“Sometimes I wonder if you should be the one to be in the police.” The Vampire remarked, tossing the O+ blood bag to the girl who caught it without looking.

“Police is too boring.” Elyna mumbled, sipping on the blood bag.

Sirens only eat flesh of humans, but Elyna wouldn’t touch a human anymore- even when Aldrich offered to bring in, unclaimed dead bodies for Elyna from the morgue.
After decades, she had finally trained and controlled herself and completely changed her diet. She would have blood but not the flesh of humans.

Aldrich came and stood beside Elyna.

The board had pictures of all the murders and crime scenes pinned up neatly. There were bits of handwritten notes here and there and everything was connected with a red string.

Personally, Aldrich loved it when Elyna was working on her crime board.

Usually, Elyna would shut herself in her room and pretended draw or read but he knew that her active brain would think about all the years that she’d spent on the earth. And often, about her the mistakes that she’d make.

Solving mysteries seemed much more better option to Aldrich than to see Elyna shut herself in her room, being depressed and self-hating.

“What the hell is this thing?” he leaned closer to a sheet of paper pinned in the board.

“The death report of Jackson’s parents.”

“DOA.” Aldrich read, “Cause of death- inconclusive.”

“People think it’s a car crash but we think that they might have been murdered.”


“Scott, Stiles and Allison and me.”

“Whoa! You didn’t tell me that you’re the part of Scooby-Doo gang.”

Elyna glared at her brother. “I am not a part of their cliché. It’s just a temporary alliance until this mess is cleaned up.”

“And what about Lydia Martin?”

“I...I still have to find out exactly what she is and why is she still seeing Peter Hale in her dreams or vision or whatever -”

Suddenly Elyna trailed off. She immediately rushed to her laptop and typed furiously on it.
Aldrich could see her hazel eyes darting on the screen rapidly as she read.

“Did you know that everyone murdered is about twenty four years?” Elyna looked up at Aldrich, who nodded.

“Sheriff made that connection just today but it has nothing to do with Mr. Lahey. He was around forty.”

“So, does that mean that the age is just a coincidence?” The hazel eyed brunette mused, and thought for a bit.

“You know that you don’t have to do this right now, Muffin. You have school tomorrow.”

“I would be up for school even with three hour nap.” Elyna didn’t look up from the laptop while she typed. “Did you know that you can get access to the Beacon Hills High School database easily? I mean, there is almost no security.”

Aldrich moved to stand behind Elyna and peer in the laptop. “You hacked the school database??!” Aldrich gasped. “That is highly illegal. I’m taking enough risks by sharing the info with you!”

“I can always sing to you to forget what you saw.” Elyna smirked knowing very well that if there’s something that Aldrich hates, is being compelled. Even if she is a part-Siren, Elyna was in the stronger levels of the supernatural hierarchy. She could enchant almost any other supernatural beings. Key word- almost.

She couldn’t enchant the Kanima that night and she was yet to know why.

“No thanks.” The Vampire grumbled and flopped on Elyna’s bed, studying her crime board. Soft typing noises filled the room.

“Shit!” Elyna ran her fingers through her hair. “Look, look, I found something.”

Aldrich crawled to the headboard of the bed where Elyna was sitting and peered into her laptop. “Harris. They were all students in Harris’ class.”

“Which may mean that Harris is the Kanima Master.” Elyna said.

“That doesn’t make any sense. Why will he kill his own students?”

“Because if there’s anyone who is capable of murdering his own students, it’s him. You don’t know him Aldrich; he is like the Vampire who feeds on his students' humiliation.”

The older man wrinkled his nose in disgust. “That’s a horrible joke, you know.”

“It’s not a joke. This fucked up man, Harris, is capable of doing the murders  and I might not have a good reason right now, but I will.”

“You should remember- innocent until proven guilty.” Aldrich reminded Elyna.

“But that doesn’t mean that I can’t put him in my list of suspects.”

Aldrich faked yawned. “Fine, do whatever you want. I’m gonna go and binge watch my series.” He walked up to the door.

He turned back and saw Elyna wearing her glasses and typing in her laptop. “You’re not coming, I guess?”

“I’ve already completed the season.” Elyna said while she grabbed a her notebook, solely made for mysteries and crimes, and jotted down something.

“Come on, Muffin.” Aldrich groaned. “Can’t we have one night together without these supernatural drama? We haven’t have a binge watch night in, like, forever.”

Elyna stopped typing and looked up to her brother. She sighed knowing that Aldrich had successfully emotionally trapped her. “Fine, but I stay for only five episodes and then you let me do my work.”

“No work. After five episodes, you sleep.” The older Benston said with authority.

“Look my brother-darling, I have already seen the whole season. So, unless you want to know what happened to Ned Stark at the end of the season, I suggest you listen to my conditions." Elyna closed her laptop and got up from the bed.

Aldrich gasped dramatically and left the room, followed by Elyna.

“I’m supposed to be the teenager!” he heard Elyna yell from behind him as they made their way to the living room.

“I’m supposed to be the teenager!” he heard Elyna yell from behind him as they made their way to the living room

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