The Words We Never Spoke

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           Bucky was extremely shy. He was still recovering from the trauma from Hydra, and still trying to deal with this world and all its complexity. The one thing in his life that didn't seem hectic was you. He had never spoken a word to you, and yet he felt like he had known you for years. You never talked to each other, only soft touches and little scribbled notes. You were his safe space. He didn't have to force anything out with you. He loved spending his days with you at that small café.

"I wanna ask her out." Bucky told Steve as Steve was making breakfast.

"Then ask her out." Steve answered like it was obvious.

"I can't just do that. I don't even know her name, let alone spoken a word to her. Should I make her a card or something? I don't know, something without me having to say words."

"Well, Valentine's day is right around the corner." Tony said grabbing a doughnut. "Just use conversation hearts."

"Conversation hearts? What are those?" Bucky asked raising an eyebrow.

"Geez, you are such a grandpa. They're little candy hearts with cute sayings on them. You could use those to ask her out or something."

"I'll try it, but how would I get her to know what I'm saying? Should I line them up or something?"

"You could chuck them at her head. "Sam interrupted with a laugh. "Who knows, she might throw some back."

Bucky glared at Sam. "This is serious. Why don't you do that and see what happens?"

Sam grabbed a glass of milk before, sitting on the counter. "I have. Why do you think I'm still single? But let me tell ya, conversation hearts hurt when thrown in anger."

"Just do what feels right, Buck." Steve said flipping a pancake, rolling his eyes at Sam. "I know you'll do great."

"Thanks Steve. Thanks Tony." Bucky said before glaring at Sam. "No thank you to you, Sam."

"You're welcome, Buddy!" Sam chuckled.


Bucky's blue eyes darted around the café, hoping to catch a glimpse of your small form. He began to frown at the lack of your presence. You were always here before him. Oh no. What if you had a boyfriend and Bucky was left to be single the rest of his life?! Thoughts started bouncing around in his head in a frenzy. Doubts and insecurities filled his mind. Suddenly, he felt a soft hand touch his shoulder. Bucky quickly turned around, battle stance ready. He let out a breath and smiled.

It was you. Your hair was a mess, but, gosh, he wouldn't have it any other way. Your smile seemed to make the room a million times brighter. You guys silently walked to your usual table, and Bucky fished two conversation heart boxes out of his pocket. He gave one to you with a nervous smile. You grabbed it from him and shot him a warm smile. Not speaking a word between you guys, your candy hearts clinked softly against the table. A peaceful atmosphere encasing both of you.

Bucky let out a shaky breath as he read through his hearts. A lot of them were bold and very frank. He didn't want to come off too strong. Contemplating for a few moments, he got the ones he wanted and carefully set them up in order so you could read them.

You & me. It's love. Be mine.

You read the hearts and looked up to see Bucky's expectant blue eyes. Longing was swirling within them, and he nervously fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt. Looking down at your hearts, you grabbed a couple, and slid them next to him.

All yours. For ever.

It took Bucky a moment to register what just happened, then his face broke out into a grin. You loved it when he was happy. It made something flutter within you, and this man deserved happiness.

"I'm Y/n." You spoke meekly.

Your voice sounded like angels playing the most beautiful harps. Bucky didn't think he could fall in love with you anymore, but he was wrong.

"I'm Bucky." His voice came out rougher and deeper than he intended, but you just smiled.

Feeling brave, you slid one of your candy hearts over to him. His eyes traveled to the heart and his breath hitched. Kiss me. Bucky looked at you for clarification, and you slightly nodded. His rough hands gently caressed your face, his ocean eyes full of love, and he connected his lips to yours. The feeling wasn't huge sparks and explosions. No, it was soft and peaceful, like gentle waves rolling against a sandy shore. You both felt warm and safe. A feeling that was long overdue. And it was beautiful.

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