Love Between The Shelves (Valentine's Special)

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Bookstore Owner!Bucky x reader

            The bell softly chimed as you entered the quaint bookstore. An instant peace consumed you, along with the sweet smell of books and pine as you walked between the shelves. The chaos of the outside world seemed to be swept away as you plucked a book from one of the shelves and read the back. You looked back up to put the book back and saw two piercing blue eyes staring back at you through the other side. Startled, you shoved the book back into its place quickly, and heard a sharp, "Ow!" from the other side.

You thought for a moment if you should bolt out of the store or apologize. You chose the latter and pulled the book back out and whispered a soft, "sorry" as you looked at him. He was rubbing one of his eyes with his right hand and shaking his left pointer finger in the air towards the self.

"N-no, honestly, I would have done the same thing. I'm sorry. I should know better than to stare at a beautiful woman from the other side of a bookshelf." He smiled after he finished, a thing that seemed to illuminate the room.

You couldn't help but smile back. He had a charming aura about him, and his soft scruff and fluffy brown hair definitely helped. His voice sounded warm and inviting.

"Do you, uh, want to come to the other side? If not, I'm perfectly fine with talking with a pretty stranger through a bookshelf." He ran his hand through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck.

You laughed. "I'm sure the owner would think we're weird if they saw us talking like this."

A chuckle rumbled out of his chest before he wet his lips. "The owner doesn't think that."

"How can you be so sure?"

You heard more than saw him shuffle around to your side of the bookshelf.

"That's 'cause I am the owner, doll."

Your breath hitched when you took in his appearance. A soft brown plaid jacket adorned his body, along with a grey "Check Me Out" shirt with a winking book. His hair looked fluffier up close, and you wanted nothing more than to card your fingers through it. Those blue eyes that stared back at you made you feel calm. You really wanted to swoon at that second.

"Oh, that's...unexpected." You said pushing the book back into its rightful place.

He crossed his arms and leaned against the shelf beside you with a smirk. "Why?"

You shrugged. "It just is. Besides, I'd assume a man like you would have closed up shop for the day to spend time with your love. It's Valentine's Day after all."

Exhaling a breathy laugh, his eyes crinkled. "What makes you think I have someone?"

You dramatically moved your hands up and down. "Have you looked at yourself? You're freaking gorgeous!"

"Well, why is a lovely lady like yourself doing here on Valentine's Day, hm?" He leaned forward slightly, and you had to look away before this man made you completely weak in the knees.

"Let's just say I celebrate National Single's Day more than Valentine's, due to lack of eligible men."

He hummed and looked at the array of books around the both of you. "And I assume you've come here for comfort in fictional characters, who can never let you down in real life."

"Wow, such a Sherlock." You said playfully rolling your eyes.

He licked his lips and tilted his head. "Years of practice. And if you're looking for a ridiculously charming and dorky person, I know just the guy. He loves books too. He works with them all the time. He just so happens to be looking for a date to take to dinner tonight."

You pretending to think for a second before plucking a Pride and Prejudice from the space right by his head. "Sorry, I think I'll just take Mr. Darcy home tonight."

He cutely scoffed and bowed his head. "C'mon doll. At least give the guy a chance."

" you happen to know where this said guy would be taking me for dinner?" You asked gently tugging on the lapels of his jacket.

A soft breath spilled out of his lips as he shook his head. "It would ruin the surprise. He did tell me though that it would be extra romantic."

"Too bad the place he works at closes at 8. I prefer to eat dinner at 6."

The warmth of him quickly vanished as he rushed toward the front of the store. You heard a light clack and the flipping of a switch. He strode back over to you with a confident grin.

"Looks like the place is closed now. Weird." He said gently running his hand over his scruff and a confused look crossed his face.

You laughed. "I don't even know this guy's name."

A cute smile lit up his face. "Bucky. My name's Bucky Barnes."

A/N: Part 2?? Comment if you want it

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