Wearing his clothes

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You were sitting on the balcony of your and Kurapika's shared appartement. You were only wearing a long pajama shirt because all your clothes were drying on a clothes string. The day was really hot, it was a nice september afternoon. You were quite enjoying the peace and the warm feeling.

Taking your phone into your hands you notice it was 6:45. Your boyfriend will be home in about an hour. He gets off of work early today and you were excited for his arrival. Being a hunter too, you don't spend time with him as much as you would like.

Resting your head onto the wall behind you, your stomach started growling. You got up and went to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you noticed there wasn't anything you felt like eating right now: tomatoes, mayonnaise, some olives and a cucumber. Not like anything fulfilling could be made out of those ingredients.

You had to go to the store, but didn't have any clothes. And then, an idea popped up. Surely Kurapika wouldn't mind you wearing his clothes! You head to your shared bedroom and open his closet. Wow. So many different outfits. That was definetely sarcasm. He only had his tabard, 3 sweatshirts which were all black and white, 2 white T-shirts and some sweatpants, only his working outfit was gone.

"I really gotta go shopping with him this is embarrassing"- you thought to yourself. Taking a t-shirt and some sweatpants you began putting them on. The sweatpants were a bit longer considering he was a bit taller than you, but you just rollned them and they fit perfectly. The shirt was a bit longer but there was no fixing that.

You looked into the mirror and really started feeling yourself, you looked good. You started posing and fixing your hair, as if you were on a red carpet. Then, you turned around to leave the room and do what you planned to do, but there was a figure at the door standing still and not saying anything.

Your eyes wide, legs frozen you needed a moment to comprehend what was happening and who was looking at you. Kurapika totally caught you off guard.

"Hello." He broke the silence.
"Hi." You spoke, sheepishly looking at him. It took you only a few moment before you burst into laughter. Maybe this would have been embarrassing with someone else, but with him you felt completely open. He laughed and you ran to hug him. Hugging him by the neck you could smell his cologne. He always smells so good.

Pulling away he looks up and down at you. "What are you doing?" He asks trough a smile. You took his cold hands into yours and began explaining the situation. He chuckled a bit, then asked if you wanted him to come along to the supermarket. "Sure!". You loved doing ordinary things with him once in a while, considering how unordinary your lives were.


Riding the elevator, you were hugging him standing on his side, head leaning into his shoulder and looking into the elevator mirror. One of his hands were on your back, and the other writing a message on his phone. You looked up to see who he was messaging, it was his boss. You looked up to his eyes and he was already looking down at you. It made you blush.

You bought everything you needed, and were currently sorting everything in the kitchen and making dinner while Kurapika was in the shower. Then, you sat down placing the food onto the table and waited for him. When he finished his shower, he came and sit next to you. You had dinner and then went to bed. You both were tired.

The bed was so soft. You really didn't need the covers because the weather was so warm. The only lighting was the tv and you two quietly spoke. Your legs interwined and arms hugging the person in front, you finally fell asleep.

So for the first story i went more casual. Just describing a regular day with each other :)

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