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A big, fancy dinner was organized for all hunters in York New City. Kurapika and you, skilled hunters, were of course invited, Leorio and Gon too. Unfortunately, Gon was out of town and couldn't attend.

You were very excited, mostly thinking about what you are gonna wear.

"By the way" ,you stopped Kurapika working on his lap top, "What do you have in mind for tomorrow's dinner?".
"Just my black suit and a tie, you?" He looked back at his work and began shuffling some papers.

"I'm not quite sure yet.."
You had some dresses in your wardrobe, but noone came close for the event. Going shopping is the only solution. Kurapika was pretty busy with his work, so he couldn't come along.

In the city centre you found a beautiful sleeveless skin tight black dress, with a one leg split. You didn't even look at the price, just rushed out of the store. You smiled thinking about Kurapika's face when he sees you in the dress.
You were ready for tomorrow.

"The dinner is starting in 2 hours, we should probably start getting ready" he said while sitting on the couch next to you.
"Yeah, let's start".

You got up and went to the bathroom, washing up, shaving, putting on makeup. You slipped into the dress and you looked fantastic. You watched your mirror reflection in awe, as you were putting on perfume. You did your hair and was trying to put a necklace on, but it just wouldn't clip. You were getting annoyed so you called your boyfriend's name.

"Kurapika!" You called his name "I really need help, could you come quick?"
When he saw you his heart skipped a beat. He freaked out thinking his nen chain ripped his heart but it was just butterflies.

"Y... uhh.. y/n uh..yes sure" he started mumbling. He got so red it was funny. He got close to your back and started clipping it, holding your hair back.

You thanked him and turned around, choosing to ignore his red face you complimented his suit. He looked so good in it.
"Where's your tie love?" You asked.
"Oh, I was just about to put it on." He got out of the bathroom and went to get his tie, and you followed him. He put it on and you fixed the position, slightly touching his chest and fixing his collar.

You put on your heels and got your purse. "Ready to go?" You asked, he just hummed in response.

You got into the passenger seat of his black car. While he was driving to the destination you couldn't not pay attention to his hands. His nen was active so his chains were out too.
You blushed.

When you arrived, he opened your doors like a true gentleman, and you pecked him on the lips.

The hall was huuge. The doors themselves were like 6 meters high. You were greeted by the servers and were shown where your table was. You was holding onto his arm, and then your phone buzzed. Taking it into your hands you noticed it was a message from Leorio.


Have you guys arrived yet?

Yeah, we just got to our table, where are you?

You sat down and were waiting for a response, when a server asked for what you were gonna drink. Both Kurapika and you choose wine. Your talking interrupted Leorio, being as loud as ever, greeting you from a distance. You found the old man hilarious at times.

"Guys! Hello!" He came up to you first and hugged you tightly, and then came to Kurapika and hugged him ever tighter, tho Kurapika wasn't a fan of physical touch, he hugged back...poorly. Leorio sat next to you and began asking about health and just beggining with small talk. He cracked a lot of jokes and you laughed at him, because the tall man really was funny.

Your food was served and Leorio continued with his talk. You often wondered if he was able to hear how loud he was. Taking a bite out of his food he glanced at you and his eyes widened, starting to compliment how good you looked with food in his mouth. It was really out of the blue.

"Thank you" you said trough a smile. Compliments like these really meant to you. You finished your food and the dance was going to start soon. You glanced over at Kurapika and he had his neutral face. His eyes not showing any particular emotion, lips forming into a line as he listened to Leorio. It was his natural stance so you didn't think much of it. You all got up to dance and Kurapika grabbed your wrist and just pulled you away from Leorio, getting you to be next to him. Leorio understanding what's up he backed away with his excuse that someone was calling him.

You looked at Kurapika worried, have you upset him?
"Kurapika are you alright? Have I said something?" He just looked at you, again, with a neutral face.
"No." He said with annoyance in his voice. Before you could say anything he took you into the center of the hall where all couples were dancing. He still looked as calm as ever, but you didn't. You ended the dance quickly and came back to your seat, Kurapika following you.

"Let's go, we are both tired" you said.
He replied nothing. You waved at Leorio, who really was talking to someone on the phone at the entrance to the hall.

You were now driving back in silence. It was an awkward silence, mostly because you didn't really understand why he was mad. Was it because of Leorio? But he knew you all were friends and that he definetely had no interest in you. You knew Kurapika too damn well and you knew he wasn't gonna start the conversation.

"Why are you mad?" You said looking at him. His jawline clenched and after a few moments he began explaining.

"I don't like you and Leorio being so flirty with each other." His voice calm. Kurapika was a scary guy, he could be saying something while his voice and face were telling a completely different story.

Your eyes widened in shock.
"Us??? Flirting??" You were completely in disbelief.

You argued back and forth.
"But we didn't flirt at all, he spoke to me as much as he spoke to you!" You explained.
"Yeah. He likes complimenting you a lot I noticed."
"One compliment. One! And after that he completely changed the topic!"

The air was getting hot from the arguments coming from both mouths. At one moment he just stopped, calming himself and not saying anything until you got back to your appartement, and you did the same.

You were undressing while he was showering, when he finished you showered. After the shower you entered your shared room and saw him under the blankets, back turned and lights off. He was probably sleeping- you thought.

You got into bed with him and you started into the cielling.
"I apologize." He mumbled. It scared you for a second.
"I'm sorry." You said.

He turned around and you kissed his forehead, finding your usual sleeping spot in his arms.

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