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Celebration went on long into the night after boarding Red Bull's hospitality yacht, Asya, at 2am where the team and their family and friends partied well into the earlier morning.

Anna woke up the following morning to a bang head ache and a hand on her face. Without opening her eyes she pushed the hand away and pulled the blanket over her head.

The sun was shining in the window due to her forgetting to shut the curtain when she returned back to her hotel room in the early hours of the morning.

She rolled over and found a sleeping Finn next to her. Then she suddenly felt a weight at her feet. Anna sat up and saw Lucas, another friend of her's and Max's from home, laying across the bottom of her bed.

She sat up and grabbed her pillow using it to hit the two boys in order to wake them.

"Hey." Finn shot up next to her after the impact. "What was that for?"

"Why are you here?" Anna asked in reply.

Finn looked around the hotel room and realised it wasn't her own. He then saw Lucas laid across the bottom of the bed.

"I have no idea." He replied simply.

"Lucas. Get up." Anna spoke using the pillow to once again hit her blonde friend.

"What? What time is it?" He asked even though his eyes were still closed.

"12." Finn replied as he lifted his phone and saw the time. He was surprised that his battery had lasted this long.

"Uh were only home a couple of hours." Lucas said before rolling over and landing on the floor. "Ow."

The two sat in the bed started to laugh at what had just happened.

"You were sleeping on the foot of the bed what did you expect?" Anna wondered as she threw the comforter back and threw her legs over the edge of the bed.

Her legs were exposed as he saw what she had slept in last night. Her skirt was sitting her to her bed and all she was wearing was the black and gold Max Verstappen World Champion t-shirt that was too big on her.

"I would not like to be Max right now." Anna spoke as she walked towards the bathroom.

"You wouldn't like to be champion of the world?" Lucas asked as he used his elbows to prop himself up on the floor.

"Not that." Anna shook her head in reply. "He had media half an hour ago."

"Ew." The two boys chorused together. They knew how horrible they were feeling so they could only just imagine how awful Max was feeling in his interviews.


That evening everyone was flying home except for the drivers who were taking place in testing.
Kelly, Jos and all their friends had headed home while Anna and Max stayed behind for the testing of the new 18 inches tyres.

That night the pair were laying in Max's hotel room waiting on their room service to arrive as they were both too tired and hungover to go out for dinner.

Anna had checked out of her own hotel room and was now staying with Max for the next few days after the Red Bull driver said there was no point in them having two rooms to themselves when they could stay together like always.

"I'm starving." Max said as he threw himself onto the bed after returning from the bathroom. "You look like death by the way."

"Well thank you for the compliment." Anna rolled her eyes as she sat up in the bed and rested her back against the head board.

"You're welcome." Max replied with a smile.

" And that's a strong statement coming from the boy who went to his interview in last nights clothes." Anna reminded him.

"Touché." Max nodded before a knock came on the door.

The new world champion jumped up excitedly and ran towards the door. He came back a few minutes later with a tray full of food.

"Yes. Finally. I'm starving." Anna said excitedly.

They both ordered the biggest amount of junk food in order to try and cure their hangovers before Max had to be back at the track for testing.

"I didn't order you anything." Max lied as he sat down on the bed with the tray full of food.

"Shut up." Anna told him before stealing a plate of chips.

"Hey." Max exclaimed as he placed the tray down.

They spent the night eating junk food and watching movies together like they had done at the end of the last 7 season Max had in formula one.


The next morning Anna got up before Max and had a shower to wash her messy hair and freshen up. She got out and wrapped both her hair and her body in a towel.

She walked to her suitcase and tried to decide on what outfit she was going to wear for a day at the track once again.

She bent and started to fill through her suitcase that has been placed for the last two weeks since they went to Saudi Arabia.

The sound of a whistle caught her attention and she jumped nearly letting the towel fall which would've been awkward.

Anna turned around to see Max laying in the bed awake looking at her over the edge of his phone.

"Pervert." Anna rolled her eyes before turning back to the suitcase.

"Hey, you're the one walking around in a short towel." Max shrugged his shoulder before looking beck down at his phone.

Anna grabbed the clothes she was going to wear along with her toiletries back before walking back towards the bathroom.

"Oh come on Anna: It's not like it's something I haven't seen before." Max called out after realising Anna had left the room.

"Shut up." Anna shouted back before slamming the door closed and locking it. She could hear Max laughing from the bed room causing her to roll her eyes again.

She dropped her stuff on the counter before looking at herself in the mirror.

She was blushing.

Something about what had just happened set a wave of butterflies through her stomach.

She brushed the feeling aside and started to dry her hair using the hotel fitted hairdryer before getting dressed for the day.


What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now