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Anna finished her run down by the beach and there was plenty of people around considering it was December and Monaco wasn't exactly the warmest in the winter.

The sound a familiar giggle caught her attention as she tried to catch her breath after the long and tiring run.

She turned to see Daniil swinging Penelope around in his arms as the little girl continued to laugh and smile at her father.

Suddenly Penelope spotted the brown haired girl a few feet away looking at them. She wiggled to get out of her father's arms until eventually Daniil placed her on the ground so she could run towards Anna.

"Anna." Penelope called out.

"Hey P." Anna said with a smile as she bent down and let the little girl run into her arms. She lifted her up in her arms as she stood up and got her comfortable on her hip.

Penelope knew Anna due to Max and she loved the brown haired girl. She loved the days where Kelly would leave her with Max and he would call Anna and the three would hang out for the day in Monaco.

"Hey." Daniil spoke as he approached the pair.

"Hi." Anna smiled in reply at the Russian.

"Daddy look, it's Anna." Penelope said as she wrapped her arms around the Dutch girl's neck and squeezed her tightly.

"I know P." Daniil laughed slightly.

"Lunch with me and daddy?" Penelope asked as she held the girl's face in her little hands.

"Oh P, I don't kn-."

"Please." Penelope begged while pulling a puppy dog face. She then turned to her father. "Daddy?"

"Wanna come for lunch with us?" Daniil questioned the brown haired girl who was holding his daughter.

"Are you sure?" Anna wondered not wanting to impose on the limited time Daniil got with his daughter.

"Yes." Penelope answered as she wrapped her little arms tightly around Anna's neck.

"There's your answer." Daniil replied with a smile.

"Yah." The little girl exclaimed causing Anna to laugh.

"Let's go then." Daniil spoke as they walked away from the beach and back towards the centre of the principality.


After spending the day with Daniil and Penelope, Anna accompanied him on the walk back to Kelly and Max's apartment in order to drop off the little girl.

They stood in the elevator on the way up while Daniil held a sleepy Penelope in his arms which caused Anna to smile.

"What?" Daniil asked as his eye caught Anna looking at him in the mirror of the elevator.

"You're a great dad." Anna told him.

"Thanks. It's easy when you have an amazing kid." The Russian replied as he shifted his daughter in his arms.

"True." Anna laughed slightly as she nodded in reply.

The elevator door opened and the pair stepped out and walked down the hall towards Max and Kelly's apartment.

Anna knocked on the door as Daniil's hands were full carrying Penelope who was now sound asleep with his head resting on her father's shoulder.

The door opened to reveal Max. He smiled at the sight of his best friend but suddenly became confused as he saw her with Daniil and Penelope.

"Hey." Anna smiled bringing Max out of his thoughts.

"Hey. Come in." Max replied stepping aside to let Daniil in with Penelope in his arms.

"I'll just put her to bed. Is that okay?" Daniil wondered as they stood in the living room of the apartment.

"Yeh sure. Kelly's not here so go ahead." Max told the Russian.

Daniil disappeared down the hall towards Penelope's room leaving the pair of best friends alone.

"So, what's going on?" The Red Bull driver asked looking from his best friend to the direction Daniil had disappeared down.

"What do you mean?" Anna replied.

"You're dropping P back with Daniil now?" Max wondered crossing his arms over his chest.

"Max come on. Don't make a big deal out of this."

"Me? Making a big deal? Do you remember in Abu Dhabi we had a fight about you and Daniil and you said it was nothing? Now it's two weeks later and there seems to be something." Max explained keeping his voice down.

"Nothing is going on. I went on a run earlier and ran into then by the beach. Penelope wanted me to go for lunch with them so I did and we just spent the day together. That's all." Anna assured him.

"Anna." Max said in a warning voice as he ran his hands down his face.

"Max we are not fighting about this again. You're making a big deal out of nothing. I spend time with you and Penelope all the time. Why is this any different?" The brown haired girl questioned.

"Because I have a girlfriend and he doesn't." Max replied and something about his words stung her.

"Yes I know that." Anna told him.

"Hey. Everything okay?" Daniil asked as he returned after putting his daughter to bed.

"Yeh fine. Ready to go?" Anna wondered looking at the Russian and trying to ignore her best friend.

"Oh you can stay if you want." Daniil shook his head in reply. He assumed that Anna would wanna stay and spend time with her best friend.

Anna turned around and took one look at Max before turning back to look at the Alpine reserve driver.

"Nah I'm good. Let's go." Anna grabbed his arm and guided him towards the front door.

"Bye Max." Daniil called out as Anna opened the front door.

"Bye." Max replied softly as he watched his best friend disappear out the door with his girlfriend's ex boyfriend.


What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now