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The following morning Anna woke up and went for a walk while Max was out training with Brad and the pair were doing for lunch after so Anna had a few hours on her own.

After Anna returned from her walk and she too had decided to meet one of her friends for lunch so she and Max actually returned around the same time.

"Hey." Anna smiled as Max greeted her with a kiss on the lips.

"Hey." Max smiled in reply.

"I'm going for a shower." Anna told her boyfriend before heading down to their bedroom

She grabbed a change of clothes and underwear before sticking her phone on the charger and heading to the adjoining bathroom.

Anna enjoyed every minute of her shower as the hot water hit her skin and she scrubbed her scalp to get her hair clean of sweat from her walk earlier.

Before all the hot water ran out Anna got out and wrapped a large fluffy towel around her body. She grabbed a smaller towel and used it to dry her hair.

After a few minutes Anna moisturised her skin before putting on the comfy clothes she had brought in with her.

She exited the bathroom while drying her hair with the small towel that it had been previously wrapped up in.

"Hey I was thinking-." Anna spoke as she entered the bedroom but was stopped by Max's expression and situation.

He was sat on the edge of the bed with his hair running through his hair as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Max, what's wrong? What is it?" Anna wondered as she dropped the towel on the ground at the sight of her boyfriend in this state.

Max didn't answer her. He simply moved his hand and pressed a button on Anna's phone, which was sitting on the bed next to him.

"Hi Anna. It's Doctor Richards from The Princess Grace Hospital oncology department. I just wanted to call and confirm you received your email with your chemo appointment for Friday. If you could give us a call back to confirm or just reply to the email. Thanks."

With that a beep sounded signalling the end of the voicemail.

Anna now knew why Max was in the state he was. She had obviously never wanted him to find out like this but she also had never found the right moment to tell him yet.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Max yelled as he stood up throwing his hands around.

"He don't yell at me, you're not the one dying." Anna yelled back and she could see Max's expression drop. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. But you know what I mean. What did you want? Me to come to the track after my appointment and say 'best of luck in the session, oh by the I have leukaemia."

"That day you said you went for lunch with your friend? You were at the doctors? Why didn't you tell me you were going?" Max wondered.

"Because you haven't let me go to the doctors alone since we were 12. I knew you would make me change the appointment so you could be there. And I just wanted to get it out of the way. I didn't want to worry you." Anna replied.

It was true. Max had always come to the doctors with Anna. Even if it was for the flu. He always wanted to be there. He would say "well if you ever got bad news I want to be there to support you". And in the end the one time she did get bad news, he wasn't there because he didn't know.

"Anna, this is me. It's us. How could you keep this from me? When we're you gonna tell me?" Max asked his girlfriend.

"I don't know. There was no good time." Anna told him as she ran her hands through her hair in frustration.

Max didn't say anything after that. He brushed passed Anna on his way out of their bedroom and before Anna had time to react she could hear the front door to their apartment signalling he had left.

That sound had also flipped a switch in Anna as she felt the tears begin to roll down her face and suddenly her knees gave out from underneath and she continued to sob on the floor.


After she finished crying, Anna gathered herself up and got ready to meet possible the only person who could distract her from all of this right now. Well that person and their dad.

"So you gonna tell me what you two argued about?" Daniil asked as he and Anna walked along the pathway in the park with Penelope just ahead of them on her scooter.

Anna knew the best person to distract her was Penelope as she refused to let herself cry in front of the little girl and so she called Daniil to meet her in the park as she knew it was his week with Penelope.

"It's not a big deal. I just wanted to get out of the apartment." Anna shrugged her shoulders in reply.

Daniil had immediately noticed Anna's red, puffy eyes when she arrived at the park much to her attempt to hid them with make up.

Lucky for her Penelope didn't notice, she was just happy to see the Dutch girl.

"You know you can tell me anything right." Daniil told her as he gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"I know. But really. It's okay." Anna assured him with a smile.

She had just told Max. She didn't feel right springing it on Daniil right now.

Anna didn't really know how she was going to tell anyone else. She didn't even get to tell Max herself so how the hell was she supposed to tell the rest of her family and friends.

And she didn't even want to think what the media would say when they got ahold of the information.


Ta-da! A couple people gave that idea of Max answering the phone so I just went would that because otherwise I didn't know what to do ha.

Anyway let me know what you guys think!!!

What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now