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It was late Wednesday night when the pair arrived in Jeddah and checked into their hotel room. They always shared a room when they were away unless of course Kelly came then Anna would have her own room while the couple shared.

They walked into their room and it was beautifully decorated with pictures and the first thing Anna did was throw herself on the right side of the bed.

"Hey." Max exclaimed as he realised what had happened. He dropped his bags by the foot of the bed and crossed his arms as he looked down at his best friend.

"Ya snooze, ya lose." Anna replied with a satisfied smirk on her face.

The pair slept on the same side of the bed, which was the right side, and always fought over who got to sleep there when they went away to different countries.

"I do recall it being my race weekend and not yours." Max reminded her causing the brown haired girl to shrug her shoulders in response.

"And I've managed to snag the right side of the bed 10 times out of the 19 times we've shared a room." Anna spoke before Max's expression changed and she knew what was coming. "Oh no. No. Max, no."

"Like you said, you've gotten the right side more than I have. I'm not losing this time." Max told her as her slowly stepped towards the side of the bed Anna was on.

"Max. I beg of you. Please don't do this." Anna begged him as she slowly sat up on the bed getting ready to throw herself off the bed.

"Too late." Max shrugged his shoulders in reply before lunging forward and started to tickle his best friend causing her to laugh uncontrollably as she was extremely ticklish.

The pair spent the next few minutes with Anna pinned under Max as he continued to tickle her while Anna became more breathless as time went on until she officially couldn't breath,

"Okay. I give up. Stop. Please stop." Anna begged as she threw her arms in the air either side of Max's head telling him that she gave up.

"So you're give me my side of the bed?" Max asked as he stood up while Anna laid her back against the headboard in order to regain her breath.

"Not a chance." Anna said as she leant forward and patted him in the arm before laying back down on the right side of the bed.

"Bitch." Max muttered as he crossed his arms.

"Language." Anna replied as she stuck her foot out and kicked him in the knee.

"Ow. I'm injured. I can't race. Ow. Ow." Max exaggerated as he fell onto the bed holding his knee dramatically.

"And you're crushing my legs." Anna complained as she tried to push the Red Bull driver off of her legs.

"Well thank you for your concern." Max told her as he sat up and looked at her.

"Shut up and go to sleep." The brown haired girl said as she grabbed a pillow and used it to hit Max across the head.

"You're really out to injury me this weekend. Are you working with Mercedes?" Max wondered as he stood up.

"Ahh. You caught me." Anna exclaimed as she placed her hands on either side of her face and pulled a shocked expression.

"I knew it." Max replied as he pointed at her causing her to laugh.

"Hey, you should've known. Who else would put up with you for 19 years?" Anna asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey!" Max spoke as he grabbed the pillow from the bed and used it to hit his best friend.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Now shut up and let me get ready for bed." Anna said as she grabbed her suitcase and placed it on the foot of the bed. She grabbed her pyjamas and toiletries bag before walking to the bathroom.

She spent a few minutes in the bathroom getting changed, brushing her hair and throwing it into a bun, washing her face and applying her nightly skin routine.

After using the toilet she walked back out to the room and saw her suitcase placed on the floor by the table in the corner and Max laying in bed on the left side.

"Ah. You're sleeping on the left side." Anna said as she got into the bed and gave him a hug.

"Well I'm not listening to you complain for the next 5 nights." Max replied causing Anna to smile in satisfaction as she laid down on the right side of the bed as Max put on the tv knowing it helped her to fall asleep.

"What time do you have to be at the track in the morning?" Anna wondered as she rolled over so she was facing him.

"Well track walks start at 12:20 so we'll try be there for around 11 and we can get breakfast at hospitality." Max explained to her.

"Cool. When is your dad coming?" The Rossi girl asked knowing the older Verstappen man was due to make an appearance this weekend.

"His flight is tomorrow morning so he should be here by tomorrow evening." The Red Bull driver told her as he laid down on in the bed.

"Okay. Well I'm going to sleep." Anna replied as she laid down properly in the bed and tucked the blanket under her chin. She suddenly sat back up and grabbed her phone that was on the charger. "After I set my alarm."

Max laughed knowing she didn't trust him to be on time and would always set her own alarms to make sure the Formula One driver was on time during race weekends.


What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now