Near Death - Daniel pt1

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heyyy, this is just a me testing out my writing skills again! I haven't written since like early 2018 lol. I don't stan the boys anymore (I'll always love their music, I just grew out of them and kpop has a lot of kick) so if any info is inaccurate, sorry!


Daniel stood above the tall cliff. Water soaked his shoes as the river splashed over its edges. The warm breeze causing his brown hair to slap his forehead and his cheeks to become a bright red. The breeze chilled him to his core despite it being June.

He could hear the boys laughing and management setting up cameras along the cliff face. Some were in trees, some were dangling over the edge and the rest were slowly being strapped to their helmets.

They were filming a promo for their old music. A repackaged album with their greatest hits and new fun music videos. Currently they were filming a new Taking You music video that featured them going on fun adventures as a band. They decided to do stuff like go-carting, hiking, and finally, cliff jumping.

The water below them was easily 30ft deep so that wasn't a concern. The true concern was the ropes that had clearly lost their prime years prior. Bleached with sun damage, Daniel only felt his anxiety grow. Those were the only thing ensuring his safety.

The plan was to jump, film it, and then climb back up the cliff using the ropes and some climbing gear. Although management had ensured it was safe, it did nothing to calm his nerves.

Jonah came up behind Daniel and gently rubbed his back. It was like the older could sense his anxiety growing stronger. Daniel wanted to run but his feet stood still planted into the muddy dirty.

"Just try to take some deep breathes, it'll be over sooner than you realize." Jonah said in a lame attempt to calm Daniel.

All Daniel could do was nod his head.

Jack slowly approached the edge of the cliff. It had been decided he would go first. The scenery was beautiful and Daniel knew the video would be worth the fear in the long run so after taking a few deep breaths, he moved to stand by Jack.

"God it's beautiful here," Zach whispered behind him.

"Okay guys, we are all set up ready to film. Make sure the go-pros are turned on and then we are ready when you are! Jack, just give us the word."

Jack smiled to the director and switched the on button to the small camera bolted to his helmet. He gave a gentle tug on his rope and moved into his final position. Jack gave a wide smile to the camera before diving over the cliff edge.

The other boys ran to peak over the edge of the cliff all ready to cheer Jack on. He could hear Jack screaming and laughing as the sound bounced off the cliff edge. Jack's screams of joy making Corbyn beg to go next.

They continued one by one jumping off the edge till it was just him and Jonah left.

"Would it make you feel better if I went last?" Jonah asked

"Yes. I won't do it otherwise."

Daniel shakily made it to the cliffs edge before flashing a nervous smile to the camera pointed at him. He switched the go-pro to the recording setting and gave the rope a small tug.

He took a final deep breath before taking a step over the edge. Wind ripped through his hair as he plummeted to the deep water below. Finally calming a bit Daniel started to smile seeing his friends swimming in the water.

Then he felt it. The rope give a strong shutter as it swung him harshly into the side of the cliff. A loud scream was heard before a sudden strong urge to sleep washed over him. He could still hear the smack and the ringing it caused. He could feel the way his bones shifted in his body as he continued to scrape down the rocky edge. The blood in his body being jostled around. He could feel the bile in his stomach creep up his throat as the world grew fuzzy.

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