Anorexia ♤ Zach

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"Zach gets up, we're going to be so late!" Jack shouted shaking the other-other boy. Zack groaned jumping out of the small bed. He looked over to see Jack getting dressed.

Zach walked to the small bathroom. He did his hair and brushed his teeth quickly.

"We're going to be so late?" Jack said panicking. Zach rolled his eyes and got dressed. He was wearing a black joggers and a yellow t-shirt. It was simple but it worked. Zach three his iconic white checkered Van's on.

Jack was ready to go. He had black skinny Jeans and a white supreme shirt on. He had white high tops on. His hair was in a man bun with a small curl hanging out.

Jack grabbed the room key and headed down the hallway with Zach. Jack pressed the elevator button not think about how scared Zach was of them.

"I'm taking the stairs," Zach said. Jack mentally cursed himself.

"Sorry, I'm just used to using the elevator I'll go with you," Jack said heading for the stairs. They were on the 3rd floor, so it didn't take long to get down them.

The other 3 were waiting in the lobby. They all had angry looks on their faces. "Sorry I woke up late" Zach mumbled. They rolled their eyes and walked to the car. Jack and Zach sat in the way back. Daniel was in the middle row. Jonah and Corbyn sat upfront with Corbyn driving.

Zach felt someone grip his hand. He looked over to see Jack falling asleep. Zach rested his head on Jack's shoulder and gave Jack's hand another squeeze.


"Hello, I'm here with Why Don't We!" The interviewer said smiling at the cameras. She had her red hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had brown eyes and freckles littering her cheeks.

"We're going to be playing most likely to, one person will be blindfolded and has to guess who their bandmembers chose."

Jack went first. They blindfolded him and gave everyone else pictures of the 5 boys.

"Most likely to crash a car," Jack thought for a moment before saying, Zach. He had been the only one to crash a car since the band started.

"they agree" the interviewer laughed. Zach laughed it off. It was true he was a horrible driver.

"Okay so you will answer 2 more then it's the next persons turn," the interviewer said. Jack nodded still blindfolded.

"Most likely to overeat and get fat" the interviewer smiled.

All the boys looked at each other, besides Jack. Nobody held anything up.

"Umm I don't know, Zach maybe he eats the most," Jack said uncomfortably. He felt bad saying that. Zach was not fat. He was far from it.

"This interview is over," Jonah said throwing the pictures on the ground. Daniel and Corbyn followed Jonah and left. Jack took his blindfold off and looked at Zach. He had a blank expression.

"Z I didn't mean it," Jack said with tears in his eyes. "I know, its okay" Zach said giving him a small smile.

Zach thought about how much he ate. It was true he was getting fat. Jack gave him a worried look.

"Zach your not getting fat I promise," Jack said still crying. "Its okay Jack I know I am anyway," Zach said.

"Guys come on," Jonah said. They got up and left. The ride home was awkward nobody said anything.

Zach sat there thinking about all the calories he ate every day. It disgusted him. He decided to cut down on the calories every day.


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