Paralyzed ♡ Jonah

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"Hey do you guys need anything from the store?" Zach asked from downstairs. Silence fell over the house. The boys all could feel the weird tension in the house. Jonah heard the front door shut.

He laid his head against the bathroom door. His chest rose and fell slowly. With each deep breath another pang hit his heart. Every rude comment, every death threat, every annoyed glance he got came back to him.

Jonah hated his life.

Everything he did was in the public's eye. Every girlfriend. Every family member. Everywhere he lived. Every friend.

He had nothing secret about him. Everything he did cause drama. Everyone he loved got hate because they knew him.

He just wasn't happy anymore. His fans constantly made up things about him and the others. They constantly caused drama and heartbreak in his life.

Jonah walked out of the bathroom. He walked to his closet. He reached for the top shelf feeling for the box. He found it and smiled to himself. He pulled it down and set the dusty box on his bed.

He blew the dust off and pulled the lid off. A black handgun sat inside. Jonah sighed and pulled the gun out. He examined it before loading the gun with a single bullet.

Jonah looked at the gun in his hand. He could end it all right now. All the pain and suffering his daily life put him through. All his problems gone.

His hands shook with fear. Every ounce of emotion in him was running through his head. He was scared to death. But terrified to live.

Jonah set the handwritten letters on the ground next to him. He felt a tear slip from his eye and roll down his smooth cheek. 

Jonah slid back against the wall and onto the floor. A small sob escaped from his lips. Tears burned his eyes.

He slowly raised the gun to his head. He pressed the cool metal to his temple. Jonah felt another tear slip down his cheek.

He set the gun down. He took a deep breath. He raised it again and pressed it tightly against his temple. "I'm so sorry," Jonah said with tears.

He pulled the trigger. A loud bang erupted from the gun then black.


Jack heard the loud bang and ran upstairs as fast as possible. He was the only one home besides Jonah. Jack ran into Jonah's room.

He stared at Jonah's body in shock. Blood covered the wall behind him. A gun sat lazily in his limp hand. "Jojo?" Jack asked covering his mouth. Tears streamed down his pale skin. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed 911.

"Help please, Jonah shot himself. He's breathing just hurry!" Jack shouted to the phone.

"Who is Jonah?" Jack kneeled down next to Jonah. The smell of blood filled his nose.

"Does it matter! He's dying!" Jack shouted angrily. He quickly scooped Jonah into his arms. Jonah was quickly losing blood. Jack panicked seeing blood covering his hands. He felt lightheaded.

"Okay an ambulance is on their way," she said through the phone. "Keep direct pressure on the wound," she said again. Jack took off his shirt and held it tightly to his head. Jack put the phone on speaker so he could put more pressure on the wound.

"O-okay," Jack said holding Jonah's wound. Tears slipped down his face. Jonah seemed okay. He didn't think Jonah felt this way. He saw 4 letters laying next to Jonah. Jack grabbed them and stuffed them into his pocket.

"Okay talk to me, is he still breathing?" She asked.

"Y-yeah he is," Jack said watching his chest rise and fall. Blood soaked through the shirt. Jack cursed under his breath and grabbed a dirty shirt lying next to him.

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