The "Mom" Friend

79 4 8

Brock Davis

• Brocky
• Anything else



Bisexual, a bit of a male lean but isn't picky


( this art was made by the very talented gurenmonster on tumblr <3 )

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( this art was made by the very talented gurenmonster on tumblr <3 )


• A few across his wrists from back in high school when he had severe depression

• A few found across his body, like around the arms, back, and torso, from abuse

No piercings, but has sunflowers tattooed on his upper left arm (shown in pic above)

Brock can best be described as, like the title says, the "mom" friend, at least in his circle of friends. He's a sweetheart with a big, caring heart, always making sure to check up on his friends and making sure they are alright. And if not, he'll do whatever he can to make them better, either with a good pep talk, or just a big ole hug. As his friends describe, he's very motherly.
He has the humor of both a dad and a twelve year old. He loves making dad/pun jokes whenever he gets the chance, but every now and then he'll make inappropriate jokes along with his friends. He can be a bit sarcastic as well when he wants to be.
Brock has a lot of patience, at least compared to the rest of his friends. In fact, he's usually the one to ease the tension in the friend group whenever an argument ensues. Though just because he has lots of patience, doesn't mean he's void of any rage. If one pushes his buttons just right, or if something frustrates him enough, he'll release his rare, pent up anger on whoever/whatever causes him to rage. This mostly consist of loud, incredibly frustrated grunts and yells, along with some mild insults. If he ends up cursing you out, that's when you know you've done something incredibly bad to piss him off, as he usually rarely curses.
Brock has a soft heart, especially for kids and animals. Absolutely adores both.
He's also incredibly humble, in fact he often talks bad about himself, whether jokingly or not, especially if someone complements him.
He's rather insecure about himself, not just by the way he looks, but also about his abilities to do things.
He's an awkward guy, as surprising as it seems, ( often referring to himself as being "Brockward" ) mainly around large groups of people. He'll be fine in small groups of four or five, sometimes bigger, but really won't be comfortable in any crowd larger than that. If he's in a crowd larger than what's comfortable for him, he'll usually be off to the side and be super quiet.

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